ID: 19295658

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Out of this world Extended Reading & Project 课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:17次 大小:13492241B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Out of this world Extended Reading Vocabulary 1. make sense of make sense讲得通,有道理(主语通常是物) It makes sense to do sth.做某事是明智的 make no sense没道理,没意义 There is no sense in doing sth.做某事没有意义 in a sense从某种意义上说 in no sense决不(位于句首时,句子使用部分倒装结构) 练习:I can't make sense _____ this poem, but perhaps I will if I read it for several times. of 2. origin the origin of...……的起源/起因in origin在来源上 have one's origins in... 起源于…… originally adv. 原来,起初 originate vi.起源,发端于,vt.创立,创建 练习:The trip to Australia, _____ (original) to be made next week, was finally canceled for lack of money. originally 3. assistant assist vt.帮助;协助;援助 assist do sth.帮助某人做某事 come to one's assistance 帮助某人 with the assistance of 在……的帮助下 练习:With the _____ (assist) of his teacher, he gradually adjusted to the school life. assistance 4. shelter an animal shelter 动物收容处 take shelter from...躲避…… under the shelter of...在……的庇护下 shelter sb./sth. (from…) 保护/庇护某人/某物(免受……) shelter from... 躲避…… 练习:I was wrapped heavily and well sheltered _____ the freezing and blowing weather. from Lead-in Let’s watch a video about China's Aerospace Achievementst Lead-in Discussion Spacecraft Mars rover Rocket THINKING Why do human beings explore space Reading What are the main idea of each paragraph Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para.6 Why do we continue to explore space It is_____. It improves _____. It solves_____. It brings_____. It influences_____. human nature humans’ understanding of the universe real-life problems great economic value the young Which of the following best shows the structure of the text A B C Reasons for space exploration To satisfy our curiosity To better understand the universe To make our lives safer and easier To gain great economic value To educate and inspire the next generation Para.1 Introduction How does the author lead to the topic in Para.1 An :Neil Armstrong The reality: space exploration is extremely , and . Some people about the significance of space exploration. A : Why do we continue to explore space example difficult and dangerous time-consuming money-consuming doubt rhetorical question Writing Tip 1: a retorical question is a question that is asked merely to make a point with no expected. answer Para.2 natural curiosity our nature curiosity about the unknown visit thick and wild forests climb vast mountain ranges cross deep oceans explore the furthest frontier—space the universe our Earth Para.2 natural curiosity “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.” ———Stephen Hawking Writing Tip 2: Quotation to make the argument more . persuasive Para.2 natural curiosity From what Stephen Hawking said we can know that _____. A. humans have been ... ...

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