
北师大版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 5 Education Lesson 3 Understanding 单词讲解 课件(共18张PPT)

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(课件网) UNIT 5 Education Lesson 3 Understanding 单词 导 obvious /' bvi s/adj.显然的, 明显的; 易理解的 analysis / 'n l s s/ n. 分析 rank /r k/ n. 等级 royal/'r l/ adj. 皇家的;王室的 inefficient/ n 'f nt/ adj. 效率低的 worthy /'w i/adj.有价值的; 值得尊敬的 church /t t / n.教会;教堂 universe /'ju:n v s/ n. 宇宙 primitive /'pr m t v/ adj.原始的 导 respected /r 'spekt d/adj. 受尊敬的, 受敬重的 wisdom / w zd m/ n.智慧 owe / / vt.有……是由于; 把……归功于 shadow /' d / n. 阴影 conventional /k n'ven n l/adj.守旧的;传统的 kingdom /'k d m/ n. 王国 urge / d / vt. 强烈要求;敦促 prison /'pr z n/ n. 监狱 abandon / 'b nd n/ vt.放弃;抛弃 assumption / s mp n/ n.假定, 假设 导 civilisation /,s v la 'ze n/ n. 文明 vital /'va tl/adj. 极其重要的, 必不可少的 beneficial / ben 'f l/adj.有利的,有帮助的 mankind/,man′kand/n.人类 显然的adj._____ →_____adv.明显地 It is obvious that...很明显 分析n._____ →_____vt.分析 效率低的adj._____ →_____adj.效率高的 有价值的adj ._____→_____n.价值 be worthy to be done/be worth doing 值得做 赞成vt._____→_____v.不赞成 approve of sth.同意,赞同某事 强烈要求vt._____→_____adj.紧要的→_____n.紧要,急迫 obvious obviously analysis analyse worthy efficient inefficient worth approve disapprove urge urgent urgency 假定,假设n._____→_____vt.假定,假设. 受尊敬的 adj._____→_____n.尊重,尊敬 守旧的,传统的adj._____→_____n.常规,惯例 文明n._____→_____vt.教化,使开化 有利的,有帮助的adj._____→_____n.利益,好处 benefit from 得益于 civilise civilisation benefit beneficial assumption conventional convention respect respected assume obvious adj. 显然的,明显的;易理解的 obviously adv. 显然,显而易见 It is obvious that+从句 很明显,很显然 1._____(很显然) smoking does harm to our health. 2.The little girl was in tears. _____, she was very upset. It is obvious that Obviously efficient adj.效率高的 efficiency n.效率 inefficiency n.低效率,无能 be inefficient/efficient in 在......方面效率低下/效率高 inefficient adj. 效率低的 worthy adj. 有价值的;值得尊敬的 worthwhile adj. 值得做的 It is worthwhile to do /doing sth. 做…是值得的 worth adj. 值得的; n.价值 worthless adj. 无价值的 be worth doing 值得做某事 be worthy of sth 值得做 be worthy to be done 值得被做 (被动) This novel is _____ _ _____(worth, read). 这本小说值得一读。 worthy to be read/worth reading approve vt. 赞成;批准 approval n. 赞成, 批准 disapprove v.不批准,不赞成 approve of sth 赞同某事 _____ his views 赞成他的观点 approve of urge vt. 强烈要求;敦促 urge doing sth 敦促做某事 urge sb. to do sth. 强烈要求某人做某事 urge that....(should) do.... 强烈要求...做... urgent adj.紧急的 urgency n. 紧急 to learn The report urged that all children _____(teach) to swim abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃 abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事 abandon oneself to doing sth. 沉溺于做某事 abandoned adj. 被抛弃的, 废弃的 There was an (abandon) house in the forest. abandoned owe vt. 有……是由于;把……归功于 owing to = because of/ due to/ on account of 因为, 由于 owe ... ...

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