

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:76次 大小:37909Byte 来源:二一课件通
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河北省邢台市名校2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试卷 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 Hit Chinese Variety Shows in 2023 The year 2023 saw a wide variety of TV and Internet shows in China, offering to audience not only amazing entertainment but also new insight. The Big Band 3 Each week, bands competed in different groups, and via votes cast by the audience and six celebrity judges, five bands earned the title of the “Hot 5” by the end of the season. Become a Farmer The farming-themed reality show Become a Farmer took Chinese social media by storm in the first half of the year, shining a spotlight on agriculture — a crucial part of Chinese culture. The word “farming”, however, may be unfamiliar to many young urban Chinese citizens. In an effort to connect these individuals with the agricultural industry, the 50-episode variety show tackles the topic by inviting 10 young men from various fields to experience life on the farmland. It offers insights into farming practices and modern agricultural production. Infinity and Beyond 2023 With a shocking viewership, the music cultural program Infinity and Beyond 2023 emerged as a resounding success both on TV and on the Internet in the first half of this year. Featuring a star-studded cast, the show improved cross-strait connection and covered classic and popular songs dating back to the 1970s. Divas Hit the Road — Silk Road This season saw some Chinese actresses and actors embark on a journey to Saudi Arabia, Croatia and Iceland. They explored the beautiful landscapes and diverse cultures of these countries and learned about the collaborative projects related to the Belt and Road Initiative. They have dipped into the local customs and traditions of the places they visited. 1.What is special about Become a Farmer A. It has cruel competition rules. B. It focuses on agricultural industry. C. It invited ordinary people as the judges. D. It captured widespread attention online. 2.In which show can we appreciate the culture of other countries A. The Big Band 3. B. Become a Farmer. C. Infinity and Beyond 2023. D. Divas Hit the Road — Silk Road. 3.What can we learn from the text A. Become a Farmer got the highest mark. B. The Big Band 3 performed pop music mostly. C. Infinity and Beyond 2023 made a contribution to cross-strait connection. D. Divas Hit the Road — Silk Road offered collaborative projects related to WHO. Thomas was a well-known wise man. One day, he wandered in a beautiful small town. Because of his fame, people from nearby towns who heard of his arrival all came to visit and seek his advice. Many who came sought help with difficulties in daily life, and Thomas, unable to bear turning them away, patiently offered suggestions. Word spread quickly, and more and more people came to see Thomas for guidance. One day, dozens of people crowded outside Thomas’s door, all clamoring(大声地要求) that their problems were the most serious and urgent, each insisting that T ... ...

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