ID: 19314995

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Out of this world Extended reading课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:42次 大小:223799B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Out of this world Period 5 Extended reading—Reading comprehension 读前清障 精读课文 读前 清障 1.origin   A.happening all the time or repeatedly 2.motive B.a reason for doing sth 3.frequency C.the reporting of news and sport in newspapers and on the radio and television 4.coverage D.the fact of having a place to live or stay, considered as a basic human need 5.shelter E.the point from which sth starts;the cause of sth 6.constant F.the rate at which sth happens or is repeated Ⅰ.匹配单词 1.The sentence is so complex that I can not _____ it. 2.Everyone should spare no effort to _____ the development of our country. 3.We _____ the new alarm system in the offices of the company for safety. 4.We grow _____ crops in our back yard,including cabbages,tomatoes and potatoes. 5.He has invested _____ money in stock market so far. Ⅱ.选词填空 a huge amount of,make sense of,make contributions to,set up,a variety of make sense of make contributions to set up a variety of a huge amount of 返 回 精读 课文 Ⅰ.明文章大意 What’s the main idea of the text A.The reasons for exploring space. B.The space industry brings great economic value. C.Space exploration is difficult and dangerous. D.Curiosity drives people to explore space. Step 1 速读———整体理解文意 √ Ⅱ.悉层次结构 Read the text quickly to match the main idea with each paragraph. Para.1   A.It is human’s nature to explore. Para.2   B.Why do human beings continue to explore space despite visible disadvantages Para.3   C.The space industry brings great economic value. Para.4   D.Exploring space improves people’s understanding of the universe. Para.5   E.Technologies used for space exploration make people’s lives safer and easier. Para.6   F.Exploring space provides education and inspiration for the next generation. Ⅰ.Read Para.1 carefully and do the following exercises. 1.Why Neil Armstrong’s first landing on the Moon is mentioned in the first paragraph A.To lead to the topic of the passage. B.To show the difficulties in space exploration. C.To show the fast development of science and technology. D.To inform readers of some facts about space exploration. √ Step 2 细读———逐段获取细节 2.Which is NOT the function of the rhetorical question “Why do we continue to explore space,then?” A.To indicate that the author wants to talk about the reasons why people keep exploring the space. B.To introduce the following paragraphs. C.To encourage us to think about the problem critically. D.To inform us that space exploration is very challenging and risky. √ Ⅱ.Read Para.2 carefully and do the following exercise. What can we infer from Stephen Hawking’s words A.Humans have been tired of space exploration. B.To travel beyond space is puzzling humans. C.Keeping curious is fundamental in space exploration. D.Watching the stars is a free activity for humans. √ Ⅲ.Read Para.3 carefully and do the following exercises. 1 ... ...

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