
Unit 1 Welcome back to school 单元测试(无答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:17次 大小:16202Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit1 Welcome back to school!练习 一、选出不同类的一项。 1、( )A.he B.your C.she 2、( )A.China B.Amy C.Canada 3、( )A.where B.from C.what 4、( )A.hand B.cat C.dog 5、( )A.friend B.boy C.girl 二、选择题。 1、( )Sarah is from USA. A.the B.a C./ 2、( )Look me. A.at B.on C.in 3、( )This is Miss White. is a teacher. A.She B.We C.He 4、( )We have six new today. A.friends B.boy C.student 5、( )—Hello! I’m ZhangPeng. — . A.Hi, I’m Mike. B.Goodbye. C.I’m from the UK. 6、( )当班上来了新同学,他要表示欢迎时,应说: A.What’s your name B.Welcome! ( )当你想向Mr Jones 介绍一位新同学时,应说: A.Amy,this is Mr Jones. B.Mr Jones,this is Amy. ( )当你第一次见到张鹏的爸爸时,应说: A.How are you B.Nice to meet you. ( )当你想询问别人来自哪里时,应说: A.What’s your name B.Where are you from ( )当你想告诉别人你来自中国时,应说: A.I’m in China. B.I am from China. 三、选择恰当的词填空,只填序号。 A.We B.you C.Where D.is E.the F.me 1、I am from USA. 2、Here are. 3、This Mr Jones. 4、 are you from 5、 have two new friends. 6、Look at . 四、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Hello, I'm Amy. I'm eight. I'm from Canada. I'm a pupil. This is my friend Chen Jie. She is nine years old. She's from China. She's a pupil, too. We are good friends. 1. Amy is nine years old. ( ) 2. Amy is from Canada. ( ) 3. Chen Jie is nine years old. ( ) 4. Chen Jie is from Canada. ( ) 5. Amy and Chen Jie are good friends. ( )

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