
【新课标】Unit 2 Section B (2a—2e)课件 音视频(人教新目标 八下 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:18次 大小:41029169Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教新目标(Go for it)版 八年级下册 Section B (2a-2e) https://book.21cnjy.com/studio/detail id=2032 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. 1 Review 4 New words 6 Retelling 8 Summary 9 Exercise 5 Reading tasks 10 Homework 2 Lead-in 3 Discussion 目 录 Contents 7 Language points 通过本节课学习,我能够: 1. 掌握本节课所学新词汇及感谢信的书信格式。 2. 读懂有关志愿服务和相互关爱、帮助的语篇,提取其 中的重点信息,推断人物心理或感受,提升英语阅读 理解能力。 3. 了解国内外志愿者活动,赞扬乐于助人的精神,树立 正确的人生观和价值观。 应用实践类活动 Review Do you remember Jimmy How does he help others Jimmy _____ or ____ old bikes ____ nobody wants. Then he _____ the bikes and _____ them _____ to kids ____ don’t have enough money to buy their own bikes. But now he has _____ money, so he can’t buy any more old bikes. He needs to _____ some ways of getting money or he’ll have to stop. finds buys that fixes up gives away who run out of come up with 学习理解类活动 Do you have any pet animals Can the pets help people What can they do How can they help people 学习理解类活动 Look at the picture, what’s wrong with them be blind be unable to walk disabled people 学习理解类活动 How could people help the disabled (残疾人) Watch the video and answer. People can train a special kind of dogs—dog helpers. 导盲犬/狗帮手 学习理解类活动 How does a dog helper help the disabled lead the way and help the blind to avoid obstacles(障碍物)on the road open or shut doors carry heavy things /fetch things take out the trash comfort the disabled and give them happiness and loyalty(忠诚) Discuss in groups Discussion I can read the new words and expressions. letter set up Miss disabled blind make a difference 信;函 建起;设立 女士;小姐 丧失能力的;有残疾的 瞎的;失明的 影响;有作用 n. n. adj. adj. /bla nd/ /d s e bld/ / let (r)/ /m s/ 学习理解类活动 New words deaf imagine difficulty open 聋的 想象;设想 困难;难题 开;打开 adj. v. n. v. n. /d :(r)/ / p n/ / d f k lti/ / m d n/ /def/ door 门 学习理解类活动 v. / k ri/ carry 拿;提;扛 v. /tre n/ train 训练;培训 excited training kindness clever 激动的;兴奋的 训练;培训 仁慈;善良 聪明的;聪颖的 adj. n. n. adj. v. / nd (r) st nd/ / klev (r)/ / ka ndn s/ / tre n / / k sa t d/ understand (understood / nd (r) st d/) 学习理解类活动 change 变化;改变 v. & n. /t e nd / 理解;领会 2a 应用实践类活动 How do you usually thank someone who helps you Discuss this with a partner. Discussion chat on QQ send WeChat messages have a call write a letter Have you ever written a letter Who do you write to What do you usually write 应用实践类活动 Look at the structure and picture & answer the questions. 1. What’s the type of passage 2. What may be the problem of the man in the picture It’s a thank-you letter. Maybe he can’t use his legs because he is sitting in the wheelchair. Reading 应用实践类活动 学习理解类活动 The main structure of a letter Salutation(称呼) Body (正文) Signa ... ...

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