
英语(上海新世纪版)必修一 精品单元说课学案:《Unit3 English manners-grammar》

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:33次 大小:17779Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit3 manners-grammar学案 The Relative Clause 一. 快捷识记 ·非限制性定于从句 1. 限制性定语从句不能省略, 如果省略了句子就不完整,而限制性定语从句可以省略,因为它仅仅是对先行词的附加说明 Take the street that goes to the right. The library,(which is newly built,)will soon be open to the public. 2. 限制性定语从句中,主句与从句之间没有逗号,非限制性定语从句中主句与从句之间必须用逗号隔开. 3. 限制性定语从句中作宾语的关系代词可以省略, 而在非限制性定语从句中则不能省. 4 非限制性定语从句不能用关系代词that. 5.限制性定语从句的先行词只能是一个名词或代词,而非限制性定语从句的先行词可以是一个词, 也可以是一句话 He didn’t pass the examination, which disappointed his parents. 6. 非限制性定语从句所修饰的某人的亲属或某个东西,某个地方表示”唯一的,独一无二的”, 限制性定语从句表示这个亲属和地方不止一个. My brother who lives in New York has six children. 我住在纽约的那个兄弟有六个孩子. (不止一个兄弟) My brother, who lives in New York, has six children. 我有一个兄弟, 他住在纽约, 有六个孩子. (只有一个兄弟) Shanghai, which lies in the east of China, is a highly industrialized city. (因为上海只有一个, 必须在关系代词前用上逗号.) 特殊的定语从句 I. 嵌入式定语从句 She is a top student, who they say has won five prizes in the contest. 她是个优等生, 大家说她已经在比赛中获了五次奖 “who has won five prizes in the contest” 既是student的定语从句, 又是they say的宾语, 而they say 类似插入语, 如果去掉并不影响句子的完整, 类似的还有: I have an idea which I’m sure will interest you. We will have a new t eacher, who I know has just returned from Britain. He read a po em which we thought was written by a poet in the Qin Dinesty. II. that的特殊用法 Can you tell me the way (that)/ in which you solved the difficult problem This is the last time (that) I’ll give you a lesson. III.在非限制性定语从句中,of which / of whom 常用于基数词some, most, all, none,neither, either 等词后,而不用whose。 These books, two of which I have read, are interesting. The teachers spea k highly of the set of workbooks,all of which have come out. The audience, most of whom were college students, enjoyed the concert. 二.随堂练习 I. Fill in each blank with a relative pronoun or a relative adverb: (who, whom, which, that, as, where, when, why) 1. This was the best model of a radio set _____ the factory produced in 1979. 2. Do you know anyone _____ knows about the history of the Ming Tombs 3. We have visite d the Museum of Chinese History, _____ Premier Zhou's life and deeds are being shown. 4. We'll never forget the day _____ we joined the League. 5. This is the man _____ son died in the War of Liberation. 6. He told me everything _____ he had seen in the traffic accident. 7. Liu Ming showed me an ingenious way by_____ the difficulty could be overcome. 8. I don't know t he reason_____ she didn't agree to our study plan. 9. I began to work in Beijing in the year _____ New China was founded. 10. Yesterday I met Dr. Li _____ told me the good news of Wang's recovery. 11. The two pupil s _____ you taught three y ... ...

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