
牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 2Neighbours Integrated skills 表格式教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-08 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:14次 大小:26028Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津初中英语教学设计(integrated skills) 学校 班级 执教 课题 7B Unit2 Neighbors (integrated skills) 教学目标 To know more about different jobs and working places 认识不同的职业及其工作场所。 To train some listening skills and get useful information from the listening materials. 训练听力技能并能从听力材料中获取有用信息。 To talk about their classmates’ family members 和同伴讨论其家庭成员的信息 4. To use proper sentences to talk about their dream jobs in groups 在小组采访中运用恰当的语言表达自己未来人生的理想职业。 5. To make students plan their future jobs and their studies 使学生计划未来职业以及端正现在的学习动机 6. To motivate their interest of learning. 激发学生的学习动机为今后的人生职业做好规划 重点、难点 To train some listening skills and get useful information from the listening materials. 训练听力技能并能从听力材料中获取有用信息。 To talk about people’s jobs 谈论职业。 Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Feedback & aims Step1 Lead-in 吸引注意,积累语言. 1. watch a video to warm up 2. Guessing game. T: Listen and answer: what are they (1) They work in a school to help children learn. (teachers) (2) They make delicious food for people in a restaurant. (cooks) (3) They can take you anywhere you want to go by taxi. (taxi drivers) (4) They are always kind. When you are in hospital, they look after you. (nurses) (5) They have special skills, such as making ships, planes and other machines. (engineers) (6) They work in a restaurant. They serve you food. (Waiters/waitresses) 3. Presentation 1. T: Look at more pictures and try to answer. (1). What is he/she (2). Where does he/she work 4. practice :Finish exercise A1 Watch and know about different jobs listen and guess the jobs 欣赏一首英文歌,创设情景,了解不同的职业以及英文名称。 猜词游戏。 学生从听力内容中猜测已学过的一些职业名称,并在游戏中巩固词汇。 在情景中呈现图片,学习不同的职业以及不同的工作场所,并铺垫一些生词,为听力打下基础。 完成书上练习:写出对应职业和工作场所 达到目标1 Step2 Listening 导出目标,生成结构. 1. Listen to the tape and complete the table in Part A2. (with listening tips) 2. Listen and choose:listen for more information about Wendy’s family. (with listening tips) 3. Complete Part A3. (1) Read in groups (2) Check answers in groups. (3) read the article in groups (4) read the article together According to listening skills and tips, finish A2 and do the Multiple choices. Use information from A1 and A2 to finish A3 Group work to check answers and role play 训练听力技能并能从听力材料中获取有用信息。 小组合作讨论和校对答案。 分角色朗读 达到目标2 Step3 pair work 回忆相关知识,初步运用结构。 Make a dialogue to talk about your partner’s family including the jobs, working places and ways to go to work. Find a partner and talk about his or her family member’s job/working place/transport of going to work 学生两人合作 和同伴讨论其家庭成员的信息:职业、工作场所、上班的出行方式等 学生两人展示,教师评价。 达到目标3 Step4 Speak up: What are you going to be in the futur ... ...

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