
新课标人教版高中英语必修1《Unit 4 Earthquakes》同步练习.doc

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新课标,人教,高中英语,必修,Unit 4 Earthquakes,同步
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登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧 人教课标版英语高一年级Book 1 Unit4 Earthquakes同步训练 一.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1.They all     (爆发) out laughing at the joke. 2.A lot of buildings lay in     (废墟)after the earthquake. 3.Now in some countries thousands of people are living in     (极度的)poverty. 4.Please allow me to express my hearty c     on your success. 5.I can not j     whether he was right or wrong. 6.World War Ⅱ is one of the most important     (事件)in the history of mankind. 答案:1. burst 2. ruins  3. extreme 4. Congratulations  5. judge 6. events   知识点:语法填空 解析:分析:1. 句意:他们听到这一玩笑都大笑起来。burst out doing突然作什么...固定短语。 2.句意:地震后,许多建筑一片废墟。lie in ruins破败不堪,废墟一片,须牢记 。 3.句意:现在,在一些国家成千上万的人生活在极度贫困中。此空须用一形容词修饰名词poverty,故填extreme。 4.句意:请允许我对于你的成功表达真挚的祝贺。名词congratulation须用复数形式。 5.句意:我不能判断他是对的还是错的。故填judge 6.句意:世界第二次大战是人类历史上最重要事件之一。故填events。 点评:本题考查的是句意的判断和单词的拼写,通过理解句子意思填写正确的单词。 二.完成句子 7.听到战争结束的消息,人们欢呼雀跃起来。 At the news that the war                   ,people cheered and jumped with joy. 答案:was at an end/came to an end 8.图书馆遗失了很多书,因此学校决定采取一些措施。                    books in the library are lost,so the school has decided to take some action. 答案:A great number of 9.这座城堡在战争中被彻底毁坏了,现在已是一片废墟。 The castle was    in the war and now it is         . 答案:destroyed|in ruins 10.当他们第一次见面时,老矿工正在往外挖金子。 When they met for the first time,the old miner              gold. 答案was digging out: 11.听到他儿子生病住院的消息,他立刻赶往医院。 At the news that his son was ill in hospital,he rushed to the hospital         . 答案:right away/at once 12.她待他如陌生人,这让他很伤心。 She treats him         he     a stranger,which makes him very sad. 答案:as if/though |were 知识点:汉译英 解析:分析:7.此空是news同位语从句里的谓语动词,表达“...结束”可用be at an end 或come to an end 8.此空需要表达“很多”,故填a great number of。 9.castle是被毁坏的,应用过去分词destroyed;in ruins注意ruin后应加s。 10.根据句子分析,此空应用过去进行时态,故填was digging out,注意双写g。 11.此空须表达“立刻”,故填right away。 12.as if后接从句往往用虚拟语气,在本来时态往后退一步,故用故去时态,填were。 点评:本题考查的是句意的判断,通过理解句子意思填写正确的单词使句子完整。 三. 选择填空 13.—I have to go home now. Daddy and Mummy must be waiting for me. —OK.    . A.Take it easy       B.Come on C.You’re welcome D.See you 答案:D 知识点:情境交际 解析:分析:A.Take it easy别急,从容点;B.Come on加油,得了吧;C.You’re welcome不客气;D.See you再见;句意:—现在我不得不回家。我爸爸妈妈肯定在等我。—好,再见。根据句意,故选D。 点评 ... ...

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