
译林版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 1 Lights, Camera, Action! Integrated skills课件(共22张PPT,内镶嵌音频和视频)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:89次 大小:77887814Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Movie If a Million People See My Movie, I Hope They See a Million Different Movies. 如果有一百万人看我的电影,我希望他们看到的是一百万部不同的电影 ———Quentin Tarantino Film No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.没有任何一种艺术形式能像电影一样解剖我们的道德, 直触我们的情感并且深深照亮装载我们灵魂的暗黑空间。 ———Ingmar Bergman Unit 1 Lights, camera, action! Integrated skills Reviewing a film A film review Retells the story without giving away the end; A film review Evaluates the film from a personal angle; A film review Vocalizes(发声) the viewer's unique thoughts; A film review Identifies the gold and the rubbish; A film review Encourages the audience to go, or not to go; A film review Weaves a network of values, cultures and dreams. What is a film review Prediction Lead-in Reviewing a film Guided listening 2 Step Listening preparation What should be included in a film review A1 Listen to Miss Li’s introduction and complete the chart below. (1) _____ about the film Film review Information about (2) _____ (3) _____ of the film Whether you recommend the film or not ? ? ? ? (1)_____about the film Film review Information about (2)_____ (3)_____of the film Whether you recommend the film or not Basic information Listening practice the film’s setting and storyline Your opinion A2 Listen to Miss Li’s introduction again and complete the notes below. Dos Give the name of the film, the director’s name and the names of (1) _____. Give information about when and where the film is set and what happens in the film. Include details about the acting, characters, music or (2) _____. Use lots of interesting adjectives. Describe (3)_____ that you think might enjoy the film. Don’ts Don’t say what happens (4)_____ of the film. Don’t make the reader (5)_____what you think. Don’t give your opinion without (6)_____ the main actors special effects the type of person at the end guess supporting it with examples Listen & Prepare Listening The king’s speech basic information film's setting and storyline Your opinion the main actors special effects the type of person at the end guess supporting it with examples Reading The king’s speech basic information setting and storyline the writer's opinion conclusion Read & Report Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Group B: Is it well-written What can we learn from it Work together and produce a mini-report in 5 minutes: Read & Report Para 1 Group A: Group C: Group D: Part 1 The king’s speech The director: Tom Hooper The star: Colin Firth The CAST Read & report Part 2 The king’s speech Read & report Part 3 The king’s speech Read & report Read & report Part 4 The king’s speech Para. 1 Basic information about the film Name of the film (1) (2) (3) Para. 2 (4) When Where Who What Para. 3 (5) Style and special effects (6) Para. 4 (7) Name of the director Names of the main chara ... ...

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