

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:52次 大小:238812Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2024.2深圳外国语龙华校区开学考(自主命题) 一.完型填空 Amy was a little girl. She was always ____1____ time getting prepared to do her tasks instead of doing them at once. In the village, Mr Thornton kept a fruit store. One morning he said to Amy, “Well, Amy, I noticed some fine ____2____ on Mr Green’s farm today. He said that ____3____ was welcome to them. I will pay you 13 cents a kilogram for all you pick for me.” Amy was ____4____ about the thought of making some money to help her mom, so she quickly ran home to get a basket. Then she thought she would like to know how much money she would ____5____ if she picked five kilograms. After finding out that she would get 65 cents, she started to dream big. ____6____ I should pick 12 kilograms, how much should I make then ” It took her some time to dream ____7____ and then it was lunch time that she had to stay at home until the afternoon. As soon as lunch was over, she took her basket and ____8____ to the farm. Some boys and girls had been there before ____9____, and all the good strawberries were picked. She could not find half a kilogram to fill her there before basket. Then she thought of what her teacher often told her, “Do your task ____10____; then think about it. One doer is worth 100 dreamers.” 1. A. passing B. wasting C. showing 2. A. apples B. grapes C. strawberries 3. A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody 4. A. excited B. curious C. worried 5. A. get B. pay C. raise 6. A. Though B. Because C. Supposing 7. A. bigger B. deeper C. higher 8. A. book B. hurried C. brought 9. A. supper B. lunch C. teatime 10. A. at first B. at least C. at once 【答案】1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C 【解析】 【导语】本文讲述了一个叫Amy的小女孩的故事,她光想事不做事,有一天Mr Thornton叫她去格林先生的农场摘草莓,告诉她这是一个挣钱的好机会,可Amy迟迟不去,老在算她能挣多少钱,结果最后去农场一看,好的草莓都被摘光了,文章告诉我们一个实干家抵得上一百个梦想家。 【1题详解】 句意:她总是把时间浪费在准备工作上,而不是马上去做。 passing通过;wasting浪费;showing展示。根据空后的“instead of doing them at once”可知,此处指她总是把时间浪费在准备工作上。故选B。 【2题详解】 句意:嗯,艾米,我今天在格林先生的农场上注意到了一些好草莓。 apples苹果;grapes葡萄;strawberries草莓。根据下文“all the good strawberries were picked”可知,此处指草莓。故选C。 【3题详解】 句意:他说欢迎任何人来采摘。 nobody没有人;anybody任何人;somebody某人。根据下文“I will pay you 13 cents a kilogram for all you pick for me.”以及“Some boys and girls had been…and all the good strawberries were picked.”可知,此处指欢迎任何人来采摘。故选B。 【4题详解】 句意:想到要赚钱帮妈妈,Amy很兴奋,所以她赶紧跑回家拿篮子。 excited感到兴奋的;curious好奇的;worried担心的。根据空后的“about the thought of making some money to help her mom, so she quickly ran home to get a basket”可知,想到要赚钱帮妈妈,Amy应该兴奋。故选A。 【5题详解】 句意:然后她想知道如果她摘了五公斤,她会得到多少钱。 get获得;pay支付;raise增加。根据下文“After finding out ... ...

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