
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Listening and Talking 课件(共38张PPT,内镶嵌音频)

日期:2024-05-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:35次 大小:128979328Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Listening and Talking Talk about history and culture To talk about history and culture. To listen for general and specific information about the Kremlin and Red Square. To learn to start a conversation. To learn to talk about a cultural site. CONTENTS Leading-in While-Listening Talking Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part.1 Leading-in Talk about history and culture What is history All the things that happened in the past, especially the political, social, or economic development of a nation. The events that took place from the beginning and during the development of a particular place, activity, institution etc. The beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society. The tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group. All the knowledge and values shared by a society. What is culture Leading-in Explore how past events have influenced and shaped our world. It will guide you through the facts and history, from the earliest civilizations to the present day. History and Culture What do you know about these cultural sites the Red Square the Kremlin Leading-in Background information The Kremlin which dates back to 1156, was the center of the Russian. With nearly a dozen palaces and churches, the Kremlin is a symbol of eight centuries of Russia’s history and culture, not to mention its power. Over the years the Kremlin is a command center(指挥中心), and today a home for the Russian president. What do you know about the Kremlin? What do you know about the Kremlin 克里姆林宫,位于莫斯科心脏地带, 是俄罗斯联邦的象征、总统府所在地, 曾是俄罗斯沙皇的居所之一。 克里姆林宫位于俄罗斯首都最中心 的博罗维茨基山岗上,南临莫斯科河, 西北接亚历山大罗夫斯基花园,东北与 红场相连,呈三角形。保持的围墙长2235米,厚6米,高14米,围墙上有塔楼18座,参差错落地分布在三角形宫墙上,其中最壮观、最著名的要属带有鸣钟的救世主塔楼。5座最大的城门塔楼和箭楼装上了红宝石五角星,这就是人们所说的克里姆林宫红星。克里姆林宫享有“世界第八奇景”的美誉。 莫斯科克里姆林宫是俄罗斯国家的象征,是世界上最大的建筑群之一,是历史瑰宝、文化和艺术古迹的宝库。 Background information Red Square is a city square (plaza) in Moscow. It is often considered the central square of Moscow since Moscow’s major streets, which connect to Russia’s major highways, originate from the square. The Saint Basil’s Cathedra 圣瓦希里大教堂 Ice hockey games(冰上曲棍球、冰球) What do you know about the Red Square What do you know about the Red Square 红场位于俄罗斯首都莫斯科市中心, 临莫斯科河,是莫斯科最古老的广场,是 重大历史事件的见证场所。更是俄罗斯重 要节日举行群众集会、大型庆典和阅兵活 动之处,每当俄罗斯重要仪式时,领导人 就站在列宁墓上观礼阅兵,是世界著名旅 游景点。 红场南北长695米,东西宽130米,总面积9.035万平方米,呈不规则的长方形,地面全部由古老的条石铺成。 红场的北面为俄罗斯国家历史博物馆,东面是莫斯科国立百货商场,南部为瓦西里升天教堂。西侧是列宁墓和克里姆林宫的红墙及三座高塔,在列宁墓上层修建 ... ...

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