ID: 19617089

译林版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 2 Out of this world Extended reading 课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:37次 大小:24194237B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Extended reading—Reading comprehension Unit 2 Out of this world By the end of this class, students will be able to: 1. summarize the author’s arguments for space exploration; 2.analyze the structure of the argumentative essay and appreciate the writing techniques that the author adopts; 3. strengthen the desire to further explore the unknown field in science. CONTENTS Pre-reading I While-reading II Post-reading III Sentences analysis IV Enjoy some pictures about China’s exploration in space. Shenzhou 13, 2021 Dongfanghong 1, 1970 Shenzhou 5, 2003 Tiangong 1, 2013 Chang’e 4, 2019 Tianwen 1, 2020 Pre-reading Shenzhou 15, 2022 Now let’s read a magazine article arguing for space exploration to get more information. Brainstorming: Why do we explore space To make our dream of landing the moon a reality. To solve the crises facing human beings on the Earth. To satisfy human beings’ curiosity. To find out a planet to live on. ... 1. What’s the main idea of the text A. The reasons for exploring space. B. The space industry brings great economic value. C. Space exploration is difficult and dangerous. D. Curiosity drives people to explore space. √ Activity 1 Fast-reading for basic information. While-reading Introduction Reasons Para.1: Why do human beings continue to _____ despite visible disadvantages Para. 2: It is human’s nature to _____. Para. 3: It helps better understand the _____, _____, and likely _____of the universe. Para. 4: It helps solve big _____ and make our live _____ and _____. Para.5: It helps bring great_____. 2. Fill in the blanks and analyze the structure of the passage. explore space explore origin evolution future Para.6: It helps educate and inspire the _____. problems safer easier economic value next generation 1. How does the author lead to the topic in Para.1 An : Neil Armstrong The reality: space exploration is extremely , and . Some people about the significance of space exploration. A : Why do we continue to explore space example difficult and dangerous time-consuming money-consuming doubt retorical question Activity 2 Careful-reading for details Para. 1: Introduction Writing tip 1: a retorical question is a question that is asked merely to make a point with no expected. answer 2. Which is NOT the function of the rhetorical question “Why do we continue to explore space, then ” A.To indicate that the author wants to talk about the reasons why people keep exploring the space. B.To introduce the following paragraphs. C.To encourage us to think about the problem critically. D.To inform us that space exploration is very challenging and risky. √ Our nature Curiosity about the unknown visit thick and wild _____. climb vast _____. cross deep _____ explore the furthest frontier—_____ Para 2: Reason 1 Natural curiosity 1. Fill in the following chart. forests mountain ranges oceans space “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to ... ...

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