
外研版(2019)选择性必修一Unit 1 Laugh out loud Presenting ideas教学设计

日期:2024-05-18 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:60次 大小:96543Byte 来源:二一课件通
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新外研社高中英语选择性必修一 Unit1 Laugh out loud Presenting ideas教学设计 教学目标: By the end of this period, students will be able to: 1.Know something about the stand-up comedy and learn to appreciate it; 2.Master some techniques of telling jokes and try to create and perform a stand-up comedy; 3.Learn to cooperate with others and form a humorous way of solving problems in life. 教学重难点: Master some techniques of telling jokes and the stand-up comedy and learn to appreciate t in daily life. Learn to cooperate with others to create and perform a stand-up comedy. 教学方法: Task-based teaching method 教学资源: 教材、教具、多媒体课件、学案、黑板和粉笔。 教学设计: Step Ⅰ Lead-in Activity 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions 1.What do you know about these people 2.What do you think of their performances Suggested answers: 1.They are the stars of stand-up comedies. 2.They often speak to the reality of today’s society.They make us laugh,but also make us be conscious of or rethink about some issues. Their humour and even self-mockery give us a quick laugh to let off some stress in the fast-paced life.But this entertainment genre “encourages youngsters to make peace with life through humour”. Activity 2 Work in groups Think about the stand-up comedy acts you have seen and answer the questions. 1.What were the main topics of these acts 2.How many people were there on the stage 3.Were any props used 4.How did they make the audience laugh Suggested answers: 1.Using language to reveal social reality. 2.One. 3.No. 4.By their humorous words. Step Ⅱ Think and exploration Activity 1 Enjoy the jokes and explore the secrets of jokes (Group discussion) 1.You have two brains.Your left brain has nothing right and your right brain has nothing left. 2.Q:Why is 88 better than 69 A:Because you get ate twice. 3.Q:Why did the married man sell his complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica A:He didn’t need them any longer—his wife knows everything. 4.Q:What do lawyers do when they die A:Lie still. Suggested answers: 1.polysemy 一词多义 2.homophonic pun 谐音双关 3.use the slot 利用槽点 4.pun 双关 Activity 2 Prepare your own comedy act Consider the following: Activity 3 Write the script for your act and complete the table Add useful expressions and structures you can think of. Opening Main body Closing Suggested answers: Students’ own answers. Activity 4 Group discussion Choose a group member to be a stand-up comedian and help them to perform the comedy act you have written.Think of actions or props to include. StepⅢPresentation Perform in front of the whole class and vote for the best act. 教学反思 本节课首先通过图片引出单口喜剧这一艺术形式,并在此基础上让学生对所给出的笑话进行探讨,了解笑点所在。同时引导学生在了解单口喜剧的主题、呈现方式、妙语以及开场和结尾等信息的基础上自己创作剧本。然后通过小组合作集思广益。在交流的同时锻炼学生的发散思维能力,帮助学生在真实的情境下综合运用语言知识,相互合作,展示个性,让台下的学生开怀大笑,同时学会用 ... ...

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