

日期:2024-05-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:74次 大小:79080Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高考英语书面表达挖空练习 A 假设你是李华,你们班计划与新西兰姊妹学校的某个班级进行一场在线交流,主题是“校园常见植物”。请你代表班级写一封邮件给对方班长Hans,内容包括: 告知相关事宜(时间、内容);2.征求意见。 Dear Hans, Knowing that our class is planning to hold _____(一场在线交流) on the theme of “_____”(校园常见植物), I’m writing to _____(告知你一些相关事宜). The activity _____(计划从13:00-15:00, 持续2小时). In addition, we need to _____(展示) photos of _____(各种各样植物的类型) respectively which are taken on campus, including their_____(功能), shapes_____(等等). During the event, there will be a _____(讨论或者问答环节) to _____(更好地增强我们之间的友谊). _____ _____(如果你有任何想法或问题,请毫不犹豫地联系我). Yours, Li Hua 【拓展词汇】时差:jet lag 班长:monitor 腾讯会议:Tencent Meeting B 假定你是李华,校英语演讲比赛正在招募主持人,你校交换生Chris想竞聘但又很犹豫,请你写一封邮件,内容包括: 鼓励竞聘; 2. 你的理由。 Dear Chris, _____(我希望你收到这封邮件时一切都好). Knowing that _____ _____ (你正在犹豫是否要成为即将到来的英语演讲比赛的主持人), I’m writing to strongly suggest that you should _____(抓住这个宝贵的机会,试一试). Firstly, _____(作为一个英语母语者), your_____(流利的) and proficient English will surely _____(让你比其他候选人有优势)/_____(让你为理想的候选人). In addition, with your _____(青春的活力), _____(热情的性格) and _____(极好的沟通技巧), you always do a good job for _____ _____(活跃氛围和让观众集中精力和开心). Laste but not least, this could be an awesome chance for you to _____ _____(进一步发展你的公开演讲技能). I know trying something new can be _____(伤脑的), but trust me,_____(你会惊艳全场)/_____(你会做到的)! _____(相信你自己), _____(迈出那一步), and who knows what great things could come from it 【拓展词汇】 感到难以抉择/摇摆不定feel torn 一个交换生:an exchange student 竞聘compete for/run for 追求go for 招募:recruit 利用这次宝贵的机会让你的才能发光并挑战你自己 take advantage of this precious opportunity to make your talent shine through and challenge yourself 给我们一个惊喜give us a surprise/wonder 你在舞台上的表现和在场一定会吸引观众,那是一个主持人可贵的品质。 Your performance and presence on stage will certainly attract/engage the audience, and that’s valuable quality for a host. C 假定你是校英文报School Weekly:编辑李华。为助力青少年健康成长,倡导绿色阅读,你报拟开展“绿书签行动(Green Bookmark Campaign)”海报设计征集活动,请你写一篇征集启事。内容包括: 活动目的; 2. 作品要求; 3. 提交方式及日期。 Posters Wanted _____(为了) helping youth/teenagers grow up healthily and _____(倡导) green reading, School Weekly is planning to launch/hold a “Green Bookmark Campaign” poster design contest. _____ _____(你的积极参与将被不胜感激)./Everyone is welcome to _____(参加) it. We’re seeking posters that _____(与...有关) the theme of green reading, _____(强调) the healthy reading contents and habits. Furthermore/In addition/What’s more, your design is supposed to be _____(原创的和有创造力的), using _____(视觉元素) effective ... ...

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