
人教版(2019) 必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Reading For Writing教学设计

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:52次 大小:910230Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Reading For Writing Basic Information Students Senior High School Grade One Duration 40 minutes Type of the lesson Reading For Writing Teaching material Unit 3 Sports And Fitness , Senior High School English Book 1, Published by PEP Material analysis Thematic context Man and society- live a healthy and positive life Text type Narration Text analysis What: This article describes Kayla's physical and mental transformation before and after fitness. This lesson explores the relationship between sports and people's lives from the perspective of health. Students are required to understand the correct attitude towards fitness and write a passage to explain their own changes. Why: The narration aims to guide students to develop correct healthy values and fitness methods, and understand that a healthy life includes not only physical health but also mental health. In this way, students are reminded to pay attention to all aspects of their health and develop a holistic concept of wellness. How: The structure of the text is clear and simple: the first paragraph describes the past problems and concerns; The second paragraph describes the way she did to change her mind; The third paragraph describes what did she got after changing her thinking. The article adopts the method of comparison and contrast: comparing the past and the present. Also this is an easy rhetorical device that students can use in their writing. Learner analysis Most students have a basic vocabulary on health topics, but they are not able to write passage by using comparison and contrast. They have known many sports events in listening and speaking, and learned how to do when facing difficulties in reading and thinking, such as never give up. In this class, students are able to imitate the rhetorical device -- comparison and contrast-- and the structure: What did Kayla did in the past How did she change her mind? What did she got at the present? In this case, students are able to write a passage to explain their own changes Teaching objectives Based on the analysis of material and learners, and subject core competencies in General Senior High School Curriculum Standards, teaching objectives are followed: By the end of the class, students will be able to : Language ability: Students are able to integrate the vocabulary learned before for this writing class, such as jogging, basketball, high jumping and so on. And also they will collect information about the positive changes of Kayla, such as: asking “am I fit ” instead of “am I fit ”. They are able to list the words and phrases that show similarities and differences and write a short paragraph to describe and explain their positive changes. Thinking capacity Students can understand why Kay wanted to be slim according to their existing knowledge; however, they are not aware of the wrong attitude towards health. They may think that they will be more beautiful if they get thinner. In this class, students will construct new concept and judg ... ...

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