
河南省周口市项城市四校联考2023-2024学年六年级下学期3月月考英语试题(PDF版 无答案 )

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:49次 大小:1339465Byte 来源:二一课件通
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六年级第二学期 学习评 价 英语 (1) 题 号 五 六 七 九 十 成缋 得分 、Read and choose.(选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 )(6分) )1. [A]sunny feet windy 密 )2. A hall [B]bigger [c]stronger )3.A]small B]heavy vegetables )4.A sa.dder B]because c]happier )5.A]tell [B say young )6.A]lower Btalking c]becoming 二、Choose the best answers..(单项选择。)(8分) )1.It's strong.It A meat. A]five Beat c]eats )2.“How old are you ”Mike_▲. A□ask Basks casking )3.Those A in the window are nice! A .hat [Bhats bird 毁 )4.Your sister is than you. A]angrier [B angry weekend : ( )5.I'm▲ the sun(太阳)go down. : A watching B]watch c]see 线 )6.They're going ▲a trip to the A]too;morning B]too;countryside ]on;countryside )7.n China I_▲ size 39 shoes. A wear ]spring c]really )8.-What do you want to do first 一I want to _▲ A]shopping go shopping go shop 三、Read and write.(用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。)(5分) 543210 1.It's taller than both of we together. 教研评估 六年级英语(1)6131(第1页) 2.There are more house over there! 3.The hen is heavy than the duck. 4.It is get lower and lower. 5.Zhang Peng is young than Chen Liang. 四、Read and judge..(判断下列句子与所给图片是“T"否“r"相符。)(5分) D B888888 70 黑色 棕色 ·第1小题图 第2小题图 第3小题图 第4小题图 第5小题图 □ L.The children want to go to the museum. T F回2.This tree is eight,metres. T 3.Look at this dinosaur, T□ 4.The girl is shorter than the boy. 5.The black bear is smaller than the brown one. 五、Read and choose..(给下列情景选择相应的内容。)(12分) 1211109876543210 ( )1.想知道那是为什么,你可以问: A.Let's have a look. )2.想知道哪只绵羊更瘦,你可以问: B.I'm happier than you! ( )3.想和对方一起看一看,你可以说: C.Why is that )4.你是你们班里最高的,你可以说: D.She's older than me. )5.你比对方更高兴,你可以说: E.I'm the tallest in our class. ( )6.她比你年龄大,你可以说: F.Which sheep is thinner 六、Read and choose.(给下列问句选择恰当的答语。)(12分) 1211109876543210 ( )1.How heavy are you A.Size 37. ( )2.How tall is this giraffe B.Amy is older than me. ( )3.What size are your shoes C.It's 4 metres. )4.When is the shadow longer D.I'm 48 kilograms. )5.Who is older than you E.In the afternoon. )6.What are they going to buy F.They're going to buy hiking clothes. 六年级英语(1)6131(第2页)

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