
译林版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Lights, camera, action! Integrated skills 第二课时课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:59次 大小:4103812Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Lights, camera, action! Integrated Skills 第二课时 Lead-in Do you have any movie that you’d like to write a film review for And why fantastic movies impressive movies terrible movies … Review Film review An introduction Fact and background information about the film (such as the title, the name of director, the names of lead characters, the type, ...) Main body Main features of the plot (or the summary of the story in the film) General comments and opinions (on acting, music, setting, costume, special effects, ...) Conclusion A recommendation and the reason why you recommend the film Pair work C In pairs, discuss the film you're going to review. Use the following questions and expressions to help you. What type of the film is it Who are the director and the main actors When and where is the film set What is the storyline of the film What is your opinion of the film (Consider the storyline, acting, characters, music, and special effects.) Who do you think would like the film Strategy Use the Internet to search information Internet is a great tool for learning English. You can use search engine to find information you need, such as background knowledge, directors, settings, etc. You’d better choose official website to get accurate information. Sample Pick a movie (Title & Type) Fantasy Science fiction War Biography Sample e.g. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) Directed by Chris Columbus Leading actors: Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) Sample Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Setting Storyline Opinions Recommendation It's highly recommended to people who love magic and adventure. Setting (amazing, transfixing), Story (thrilling, moving), Acting (dramatic), Special effects (imaginative) Harry - the orphan who discovers that his parents were wizards - goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to develop his powers. England in the 1990's Pair work Expressions Talking about feelings I felt inspired/excited/frightened after watching ... I was really confused about the plot of ... I was absolutely fed up with the special effects of ... I couldn't stand ... I was especially pleased with ... I wasn't happy about ... ... appealed to me/didn't appeal to me because ... Planning Learning about the structure A film review is a report that expresses an opinion about a film. The purpose of a film review is to give information to the potential audience so that they can decide whether or not they want to watch the film. Planning Learning about the text type When writing a film review, you can follow the structure below. Start by giving basic information about the film. Provide information about the storyline. Give your opinion about the film. State clearly whether you recommend the film or not. Planning Learning about the language Use adjectives, either positive or negative, to make your description mo ... ...

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