
Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?SectionB 2a-2e大阅读课件+音频

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:92次 大小:12798260Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents? SectionB 2a-2e Sleep Tests Rest Exercises Study Scores Stress is everywhere. Pre-reading What problems do you have What is the common problem Which paragraph tells us the problem However, this doesn’t only happen in China. Opinions (Para3&4) Too many after-school classes. Problem (Para1&2) While-reading What are paragraph 3&4 about 1.What do the children do in after-school classes VS Chinese children The Taylors learn exam skills practice sports take basketball practice take football training take piano lessons 2.Why do the children take after-school classes get into a good high school or good university can compete or win activities are important for future want to be successful a typical family While-reading 3.Why does the writer take The Taylors as an example west East or problems worry most! Read different opinions Who do you agree with Why Is Cathy for or against after-school classes Linda Why (Underline the words or sentences) Read and judge Read and find Read and discuss While-reading I agree with... Because... So,I think... Too much pressure is _____ for a child’s development. Although it is normal to want _____ children, it’s even more important to have_____ children. Kids should have time to _____ and _____. not good successful happy relax think for themselves Dr. Alice Green Is Dr. Alice Green for or against after-school classes disagree While-reading Is the writer for or against after-school classes Which sentence shows his opinion However, the tired children don’t get home until after 7:00 pm. They have a quick dinner, and then it’s time for homework. How does the writer feel about the children A. Angry B. Sorry C. Happy While-reading Does the writer give any solutions how to relax https://www./Relax What should we do to relax While-reading While-reading What should we do to relax We should Spend time with your pet. Exercise every day. Do an activity you truly enjoy to relax Smile and laugh. Make a good sleep. ... Post-reading Student A: Describe the problem Student B&C have different opinions about the problem. Student D give advice. Student A : These days...Should we take after-school classes Student B :I think/believe it’s necessary for kids to …. First, …Second,... What’s more, … Student C :In my opinion,I don't think kids should...Firstly, …Besides,... What’s more, … Student D :I can give you some advice about this.I think you should/can/shouldn’t ... Group work East or west, problems worry most. Problems or stress, solutions work best. Post-reading Student1:reader(读书者) Student2: phrase summarizer(短语勾画总结者) Student3:translator(翻译者) Student4:analyser[' n l z ](句子成分分析者) Work in groups Post-reading

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