ID: 19747722

牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Nature in the balance Project and Assessment 教案(表格式)

日期:2025-02-11 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:58次 大小:17757B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Nature in balance Project and Assessment 教案 教材分析: 本课时向学生布置了制作关于环境保护手册的任务。重点表达与句式主要涉及环境污染形成的原因、后果以及如何提高环境等话题。本文的价值取向在于学生通过学习,复习本单元所学内容,总结体会保护环境意义与内涵,了解针对不同污染类型所采取的措施,小组合作与个人工作相结合地完成一次关于环保手册的制作。 教学策略与设计说明: 采用任务型教学法(Task-based language teaching),布置活动任务,设置活动目的,引导学生完成相关任务,达成各教学步骤设计目的。 教学目标: 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 语言能力上,复习涉及环保话题的重点词组与句式,综合运用已知语言,提高语用能力; 思维品质上,自主发现探索污染的原因、后果和解决方法,梳理制作手册的主要步骤与过程,组织其结构与逻辑。 文化品格上,深度了解环保的意义,提升学生多模态阅读意识与能力。 学习能力上,提高个人反思评价意识,并能针对发现的问题进行更改,形成更改计划,认识到进行研究的方法的多样性,提高个人与小组动手能力。 教学重点: 学生结合所学内容,完成一次关于环保主题手册的制作。 教学难点: 学生发掘并体会不同类型的资源与设计的意义和功能,能按照主题特点寻找合适的资源进行意义体现。 教学资源: 教材、多媒体课件、黑板与粉笔。 教学过程: 步骤 教学活动 设计意图 时间与模式 Step 1 Lead-in: T asks a question to lead Ss in the topic “environmental protection”, and also connect with the main project “booklet”. Do you know how to arouse people’s interests to protect environment [T gives several options and analyses separately their audiences] 激活学生已有知识,引出主题和主要任务, 激发学生自主学习兴趣。 5’ CW Step 2 Review The teacher has students form a general idea of what a booklet should look like by showing a picture for recalling their memories. Then, T gives the four main steps and a table for teaching how to organise the activity. 从感性到理性,初步认识小册子的意义,感知手册的制作步骤,思考如何组织活动。 5’ CW Step 3 Planning: The teacher has students discuss different environmental problems we are faced with and decide what topics should be included in a booklet on environmental problems. (air pollution; noise pollution; habitat loss; light pollution; water pollution; global warming; soil pollution; overfishing …) Then T gives a tip: You may be suggested to choose a familiar topic, which you may be interested in. Next, before the discussion, T could play a video and ask two questions for teaching Ss how to be polite when you talk with others [eye contact, appropriate words, relevant responds etc.] At last, Ss are given 5 mins to pick a topic. 引导学生以小组为单位,探讨相关话题,进一步激活已有的知识。教授礼貌的交流方式,提高语用能力。 10’ CW/IW Step 4 Preparing T guides Ss to think of how to search reliable information and lists some possible ways. The teacher has students collect information about their chosen problem and sort out relevant information. The teacher guides students to put together what they have searched. 通过素材的搜索和整理,提高学生学习能力及思维能力。 10’ CW/GW Step 5 Producing: T analyses the sample booklet, and highlight the main parts and compon ... ...

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