
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and traditions Reading and Thinking 课件(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:11次 大小:1581360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading and Thinking—Reading Comprehension History and traditions Unit 4 读前 清障 Ⅰ.匹配单词 1.puzzle   A.the system of money that a country uses 2.currency B.the facts,signs or objects that make you believe that sth is true 3.military C.the act of protecting sb/sth from attack,criticism,etc. 4.defence D.connected with the law 5.legal E.something that is difficult to understand or explain 6.surround F.connected with soldiers or the armed forces 7.conquer G.a place where sth happens or exists 8.evidence H.to take control of a country or city and its people by force 9.location I.a fight between armies,ships or planes,especially during a war 10.battle J.to move into a position all around sb/sth especially so as to prevent them from escaping 1.There are many different kinds of computers now,which can all _____ the Internet. 2.As she pointed out,the illness could affect children adults. 3.Remember to a boy in a red cap and sweater. He is the very boy you are looking for. Ⅱ.选词填空 break away from,refer to,belong to,leave behind,keep your eyes open for,join...to...,as well as be joined to as well as keep your eyes open for 4.The prisoner his guards while being taken to another jail(监狱). 5.While the two are only days apart in age they seem to wholly different generations. 6.When you do your homework,you’d better not your notebook. 7.Burning the forest just once can enough black carbon to keep the soil fertile for thousands of years. break away from,refer to,belong to,leave behind,keep your eyes open for,join...to...,as well as 返 回 broke away from belong to refer to leave behind 精读 课文 Step 1 速读———整体理解文意 What is the main idea of the text A.The history of the United Kingdom. B.The geography of the United Kingdom. C.The people of the United Kingdom. D.The politics of the United Kingdom. Ⅰ.明文章大意 √ Match the main idea with each paragraph. 1.Para.1   A.The significance of studying the British history and culture. 2.Para.2 B.The similarities and differences of the four countries that make up the UK. 3.Para.3 C.The people influencing the history and traditions of the UK. 4.Para.4 D.People’s confusion about the different names of the UK. 5.Para.5 E.How the UK came into being. Ⅱ.悉层次结构 Step 2 细读———逐段获取细节 Ⅰ.Read Para.1 carefully and answer the following questions. 1.What makes people confused 答案 What these different names mean:the United Kingdom,Great Britain,Britain,England. 2.To solve the puzzle,what should people do 答案 Try to know a little bit about British history. Ⅱ.Read Para.2 carefully and do the following exercises. 1.When did the name “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” begin to appear A.In the 16th century. B.In the 18th century. C.In the 19th century. D.In the 20th century. √ 2.Which of the following is NOT part of the UK A.England. B.Scotland. C.Northern Ireland. D.Southern Ire ... ...

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