
译林版(2020)必修第一册Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good如何表达正反观点学案+ 课件(共6张PPT,2份打包)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:18次 大小:88936Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    必修一 U4 应用文:如何表达正反观点 例1: 对整容手术的不同看法 Advantages Disadvantages help people remove scars or burn marks enhance your physical appearance boost(提升) your self-confidence give you more career opportunities. 1. cost a lot of money 2. may do harm to people’s health or even cause death if the operations fail 3. fail to satisfy people’s original expectations 4. distort(歪曲) the value of beauty 必备句式: 关于该问题,观点有分歧。 Opinions are divided on this question. Different people hold different opinions on the practice. People’s views on ... vary from person to person. Some hold that... However, others believe that...人们对...的观点因人而异。有些人认为...,然而其他人却认为...。 支持 30 percent of the people approve of the practice. One fifth of the students hold a positive attitude toward it. 反对 40 percent of the people are against/object to the practice. Two thirds of the students hold the opposite view. 而且 What’s more,... In addition, ... 总结个人观点 Taking everything into consideration, I prefer that... All in all, I hold the view that... Plastic surgery: beauty or beast 整形手术现在越来越受欢迎了。至于我们是否该做手术,不同的人有不同的意见。 Plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular these days. As for whether we should have it, different people hold different opinions. 有些人赞成做整形手术。在他们看来,整形手术不仅可以帮助人们提升外表,还可以增强他们的自信。 Some people approve of plastic surgery. In their opinion, not only can plastic surgery help people enhance their physical appearance, but can also boost their self-confidence. 另一方面,其他人则持消极的态度。首先,整形手术可能既昂贵又危险。有些人随后会遭受严重的疼痛,及严重的健康问题。此外,人们可能会对整形手术上瘾,所以他们不得不做更多的手术变得外在上完美。 On the other hand, others hold a negative attitude. Firstly, plastic surgery can be expensive and dangerous. Some people suffer terrible pain and have serious health problems afterwards. Moreover, people may get addicted to plastic surgery, so they can’t help getting more operations to become perfect physically. 总而言之,我认为人们在做整形手术前,应该权衡一下它的优缺点。如果他们想提高他们对自己的外表的信心,他们不妨多找找内在美,或者转向健康的方式,比如锻炼。 All in all, I believe people should weigh its advantages and disadvantages before having plastic surgery. If they want to improve their confidence in their appearance, they might as well find more inner beauty or turn to healthy ways such as exercise. 例2 你们学校在高一年级实行周考,每周有四门考试,同学们对此有不同意见。 请你根据下表提供的信息给校刊编辑写一封信,客观地介绍情况。 70%的同学认为 30%的同学认为 1.考试考得太多,占用大量上新课的时间 1.为应付高考,高一学生需要大量考试 2.学生们为考试经常熬夜,身体疲乏 2.考试可督促学生用功复习 3.建议将周考改为月考 3.不应该取消周考 Dear Editor, Since the beginning of this term, the Senior One students of our school have had four exams every week. They have recently had a discussion about whether thes ... ...

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