
牛津译林版(2019)必修第一册Unit4 Looking good,feeling good Reading课件(共32张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:94次 大小:3666332Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Press and Oxford University Press 2020) Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Book Reading 1(Yinlin 1 Teaching background s Teaching objectives 3 Key and difficult points of teaching 4 Teaching method 5 Teaching procedure Blackboard design Teaching reflection CONTENTS 7 Q Theoretical basis Analysis of material Analysis of students Teaching background 1. Whole-unit Overall Teaching Design Theoretical basis Design diversified language activities Create an English learning environment 2.英语学科核心素养 Theoretical basis Perceiving and understanding Applying and practicing Transforming and creating Theoretical basis 3. The activity-based approach to English learning Learnig processes 4. Scaffolding Instruction Analysis of material 主题语境 人与自我 话题 青少年身心健康 语篇类型 新闻报道 语言知识 通过对本篇新闻报道的学习,积累相关词汇和词块,并能用于理 解和表达有关“健康”主题的观点 文化知识 对美的真谛有积极健康的认识,树立正确的审美观念 语言技能 通过听说读写等活动,能理解报道者意图并提取主要信息,明白 健康的意义; 了解新闻导语的作用与特征,并尝试撰写导语 学习策略 元认知策略、认知策略、交际策略和情感策略 What 本板块话题为“青少年节食减肥” , 以一篇新闻报道的形式介绍了青少年因盲目 节食减肥造成的严重后果,同时就青少年健康生活方式提出了专业建议。该语篇 案例真实鲜活,直击当下社会现象,对于青少年身心健康成长具有重要启示意义。 Why 本文通过青少年盲目节食减肥的社会现象,启发学生理性客观地对待青春期个人 外在形象的自然变化,倡导学生选择健康的生活方式,用积极的生活态度认识自 我、丰富自我、接纳自我。 How 本文的语篇类型为新闻报道,教师在教学中应引导学生关注新闻报道的几大特点: 采用典型的“倒金字塔”文体结构,信息按照由重要到次要顺序排列,引用多方 观点和数据,增强新闻内容的客观性和可信度;评论部分表达作者的观点与态度。 Analysis of material lacking of ability of integrating information short of vocabularies related to the topic unfamiliar with reading an English news report 学生照片 able to fetch and deal with information capable of expressing their ideas simply Analysis of students having mastered some reading techniques strengths problems Teaching objectives Based on topic and the core competence of English subject master words and phrases related to the topic, understand the content, identify the features of a news report increase critical and creative thinking through guessing, further thinking, discussion and diagram drawing use different reading strategies to obtain information and write a short argumentation about opinions on the topic concentrate extreme slim down per cent concerned side effect effective prove take in slightly, diet energetic frightened skip get into shape pass out adopt a positive attitude towards lifestyle, weight problems and beauty and increase self-confidence Cultural awareness Learning ability Thinking capacity Language ability identify typical features of a news report write a short argumentation adopt a positive attitude towards lifestyle, weight problems and beauty and in ... ...

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