

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:33次 大小:755460Byte 来源:二一课件通
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{#{QQABBQCAhE5ogAiIA4kIAITAAACBJg4CKAQ3ngACCkkEkQksBIOGjLCGAoCEowGUQAFEAqIoAAYILByCJQNINBAIAB=A}A#}=}#} A B 25 A. , 5 2 10 A girl shares her different middle school experiences How time flies! I have studied in my middle school in Hong Kong for more than three months. At first, I was really not sure about everything, but now I feel more confident and I really love my school. In Hong Kong, schools give students a lot of free time. This helps students learn how to manage their time. Our school day ends around 2 or 3 p.m. every day, so students can join interest classes and school clubs after school. I have joined the swimming team practice on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. However, the rules here are quite strict. During the first week, we got a handbook( ). It has rules about homework, hair and what to wear. If our hair reaches our shoulders, we have to tie it up. We must wear white socks and sports shoes. As for schoolwork, we have to hand it in on time. If we don’t follow the rules, we will lose points and have to write a reflection ( ) about it. The balance between free time and strict rules has shaped my learning experience. I’m really looking forward to my next year in Hong Kong! Shao Pinglan, Pei Zheng Middle School in Hong Kong 46. How long has Shao Pinglan studied in Hong Kong _____ 47. Why do schools in Hong Kong give students more free time _____ 48. When does the school day end _____ 49. What are the rules in the handbook about _____ 50. Which school does Shao Pinglan study in _____ 5 , 6 {#{QQABBQCAhE5ogAiIA4kIAITAAACBJg4CKAQ3ngACCkkEkQksBIOGjLCGAoCEowGUQAFEAqIoAAYILByCJQNINBAIAB=A}A#}=}#}

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