
焦点 05 完形填空-备战2024年中考英语复习之优秀生拔高特训(河南省)(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:38次 大小:75020Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    焦点05 完形填空 备战2024年中考英语复习之优秀生拔高特训 A Many students in China refer (提及) to the toilet as WC. In fact, WC is used mainly in Britain. In America, it is usually called a 1 or a washroom. The following is a 2 story about WC. An English lady, while visiting Switzerland, was looking for a room and asked the schoolmaster if he could 3 any to her. The schoolmaster took her to see several rooms. When 4 was done, the lady returned to her home and prepared to move. Then, she 5 realized that she had not seen a WC. So she wrote a mail to ask the schoolmaster 6 there was a WC. The schoolmaster was glad to help the lady with her 7 , but he was poor at English. So he asked his workmate for help. Together they tried to 8 the meaning of the letters “W” and “C”. And they finally 9 that those letters stand for a Wayside Chapel (路旁教堂). The schoolmaster then 10 the English lady. Dear Madam, I take great pleasure to tell you that the WC lies in nine miles 11 the house. There are lots of seats and it can 12 up to two hundred and twenty-nine people. It may interest you that my daughter got married in the WC and it was there where she met her 13 . I shall be happy to book the best 14 for you, if you wish, where you will be seen by all. For the children, the WC is also a 15 place where they could have great fun. I hope it can help you. Sincerely, The Schoolmaster 1.A.living room B.bathroom C.bedroom D.classroom 2.A.relaxing B.scary C.funny D.silly 3.A.suggest B.borrow C.sell D.create 4.A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything 5.A.seriously B.suddenly C.angrily D.deeply 6.A.where B.what C.that D.if 7.A.secret B.plan C.request D.dream 8.A.hand out B.bring out C.find out D.give out 9.A.understood B.introduced C.remembered D.recorded 10.A.mailed B.considered C.explained D.reminded 11.A.across B.from C.beside D.around 12.A.hide B.hold C.help D.change 13.A.husband B.partner C.neighbor D.friend 14.A.room B.seat C.meal D.hotel 15.A.serious B.noisy C.special D.common B 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 Before I went to high school, I looked forward to starting my new life. I wanted to get into the 16 of popular students at school, so I bought a new outfit (套装) to present a good image for myself. On the first day of school, I didn’t know 17 to have my first class. I was standing in the hall, looking confused (困惑的), when a short girl wearing glasses 18 and asked, “Hi, my name is Judy. Are you 19 Do you want me to help you find your class ” 20 she seemed not the kind of girl I wanted to make friends with, I told her my name and 21 her, making polite conversation the whole way. When we reached classroom, she said, “It was nice 22 you, and I hope your day goes all right.” I said 23 and waved good-bye. In the classroom, I saw a big group of students around a girl wearing blue jeans with holes. She was talking ab ... ...

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