
外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 2 Exploring English Developing ideas Reading 学案(含答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:71次 大小:33430Byte 来源:二一课件通
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必修一 Book 1 Unit 2 Developing ideas (Reading)学案 自主预习 一、英汉互译。 A.单词 1._____adv相当;颇 2._____n错误;差错 3.wicked adj_____ 4.odd adj_____ B.词块 1.有用的学习资源_____ 2.预计会做某事_____ 3.在入口处_____ 4.寻找出口_____ 5.贬义词_____ 6.是某事物的一部分_____ 7.积极的评论_____ 8.打算做某事_____ 9.What's up _____ 10.ring a bell_____ 11.small potatoes_____ 12.toilet water_____ 13.at sixes and sevens_____ 14.green fingers_____ 15.pull up one's socks_____ 16.online English-learning forums_____ 17.play (it) safe_____ 18.a summer school_____ 19.have a frog in one's throat_____ 20.a downtown shopping center_____ 21. winter boots_____ 22.at the information desk_____ 23.shoe section_____ 24.a student exchange programme_____ 二、根据构词法知识及所给提示填空。 1.adventure(n冒险)→misadventure(n_____) 2.mind(n头脑;思想&v注意)→_____(v提醒;使想起)→_____(n令人回忆的事物;提醒者) 3.enter(v进入)→_____(n大门口;入口处) 4.actual(adj实际的;真实的)→_____(adv事实上;实际上) 5.down+ stairs→_____(adj楼下的&adv在楼下) 6.intend(v计划;打算)→_____(n意图;目的;打算)→intentional(adj故意的;蓄意的)→_____(adv故意) 7.form(n形状;类型;表格&v形成)→_____(adj正式的)→_____(adj非正式的) 三、翻译课文原句。 1._____specific questions, but you can also_____. 你不仅可以提出具体的问题,还可以拓宽知识。 2.I've got an English penfriend, who I finally_____in London this summer. 我有个英国笔友,今年夏天我们终于在伦敦见面了。 课堂巩固 一、写出能替换划线部分的单词。 1.In fact, during a speech most people only absorb(理解)about 20 percent of a speaker's message.(2020山东) 2.What she did was unforgivable, but the strange thing was he didn't seem to mind. 3.Carelessness often leads to mistakes. 二、写出下列句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。 1.The "Foreign Cultures" section in our newspaper is very popular among us students. [section 基本义:部分](2015全国书面表达改) 2.During a fire, exit immediately from the nearest emergency(紧急情况)exit; do not use a lift.[exit名词动词化](2018天津改) 3.A person can be recently infected(感染)by COVID-19(新冠肺炎)and have a negative result.[negative 基本义:否定的] 4.I left the house wearing two odd shoes and didn't notice that my bottle of chocolate milk had poured(倒出)all over the painting in my bag.[odd基本义:奇怪的](2009上海) 三、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1.The girl stopped the car near the entrance _____the market. 2. Social robots are not intended _____(replace) workers, but to work alongside other employees(雇员).(2015天津改) 四、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。 1.What we expect from you is working hard _____(而不是)hardly working.(2014安徽) 2.They are always _____(对……作出评论)what I'm wearing. 五、根据所给词块,将下列句子译成英语。 1.这张照片让我想起过去的好时光。(remind sb of sth) 2.老师提醒我们明天的活动不要迟到。(remind) 3.这本字典专为高中生量身打造。(be intended for) 4.他宁愿看电视也不愿睡觉。(would rather…than…)(2011上海) 拓展学习 选出下列句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。 1.After climbing Mount Tai, going up Eng ... ...

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