
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Lights, camera, action! Integrated skills 课件(共32张PPT+学案)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:18次 大小:594699Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 Section Ⅳ Integrated skills 【学习目标】 1.通过对教材的理解,了解重要语言点的基本用法。(语言能力) 2.通过阅读熟悉英语影评的文体特征,并掌握其写作方法及策略。(语言能力,学习能力)  【合作探究】 新知探究 核 心 单 词 知识点1 cure n.治疗;药物;疗法;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况等的)措施vt.治好 (P9)The Prince has given up hope of a cure but his wife, Elizabeth, takes him to see Lionel Logue, an Australian speech doctor living in London. 亲王已经放弃了治疗的希望,但他的妻子伊丽莎白还是带他去见了莱昂内尔·洛格,这是一位澳大利亚语言治疗师,当时住在伦敦。 知识拓展 a cure for...解决……的方法;治……的良药 cure sb of sth治愈某人的(病);纠正某人的(坏习惯) 经典佳句 She worked with great dedication to find a cure for the disease. 她以巨大的忘我精神工作,希望找到这种疾病的疗法。 Furthermore, the new job cured him of a bad habit he had been developing for years. 此外,这份新工作治好了他多年来养成的一个坏习惯。 融会应用 单句填空 (1)There is still no cure     an advanced cancer. (2)The magic cure     inflation(通货膨胀) does not exist. (3)He tried to cure his child     the habit. (4)When I left the hospital I was completely     (cure). 答案 (1)for (2)for (3)of (4)cured 知识点2 typical adj.典型的;具有代表性的 *typically adv. 典型地;具有代表性地 (P9)The film looks like a fairly typical historical film without fancy special effects, and it is made enjoyable by the performances of the main actors. 这部电影看上去像一部颇为典型的历史剧,没有复杂的特效,而几位主演的出色演技令这部电影十分精彩。 知识拓展 be typical of 是……特有的;是……的特点 It is typical of sb to do sth. 某人一向做某事。 经典佳句 Since I'm here,I'd like to try a typical dish of this country. 既然来了,我想品尝这个国家的一道特色菜。 Both of us had the qualities and virtues that are typical of American actors. 我们两个都具有美国演员典型的品质和优点。 融会应用 单句填空 (1)This meal is     (type) of local cookery. (2)It's typical of him    (help) the people in need. (3)    (typical), he didn't even bother to tell anyone where he was going. (4)It is typical     her to keep others waiting for a long time. 答案 (1)typical (2)to help (3)Typically (4)of 知识点3 fancy vt.想要;想做;倾慕 n.想象的事物;想象(力) adj.复杂的;花哨的;昂贵的 (P9)The film looks like a fairly typical historical film without fancy special effects, and it is made enjoyable by the performances of the main actors. 这部电影看上去像一部颇为典型的历史剧,没有复杂的特效,而几位主演的出色演技令这部电影十分精彩。 知识拓展 fancy doing sth 想要做某事 fancy oneself 自命不凡 fancy oneself as 自以为是…… fancy that... 认为;想象…… have a fancy for sth 喜欢某物;想要某物 经典佳句 If I have a fancy for dyeing my hair, or going to bed late or getting up early, I shall follow my fancy and ask no man's permission. 如果我想染头发,想晚睡或早起,我就随自己的心意去做,不征求任何人的同意。 融会应用 单句填空 (1)She fancies     (she) as an actress. (2)Fancy     (meet) you here! (3)I fancy     I have met her somewhere. (4)She has ... ...

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