
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Grammar and Usage课件(共23张PPT+学案+教案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:76次 大小:2094044Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Grammar and usage Verb-ed forms as attributives, adverbials and object complements 1. Identify the use of verb-ing and verb-ed forms; 2. Summarize general rules of verb-ing and verb-ed forms; 3. Apply the rules to finish tasks, such as rewriting sentences, completing an article and writing a short essay. 4. Help students value the qualities of scientists and keep a positive attitude towards life. Review 对世界产生很大影响 被广泛认为是…… 因为……而出名 Be awarded for his/her contributions to…. Be entitled as… Learning from him/her experiences, I realize …. Fortune favors the prepared mind. make a difference to the world be widely considered as.. be well-known for… 因为他/她的……贡献而受嘉奖。 被授予……头衔 通过从他/她的经历中学习,我意识到… 幸运青睐有准备的人。 Do you know about some world-changing discoveries and inventions Lead-in The first hybrid rice varieties developed by Yuan Longping help feed more people throughout the world. With great contributions made by Stephen Hawking in the field of general relativity, unknown universe will be encouraged to explore. Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist in China to win the Nobel prize, awarded for her contribution to the fight against malaria. Exploring the rules Read the text and answer the following questions: What is the world-changing medical discovery What had killed the bacteria according to the results of tests What helped get its mass production started Penicillin. Something produced by the mould. His hard work and determination. Read the article on Page 48. Find the verb-ed forms in the article and fill in the table below. Exploring the rules Verb-ed forms as attributives Verb-ed forms as adverbials Verb-ed forms as object complements A something produced by the mould the prepared mind Surprised by this get its mass production started Used cars are less expensive. The road was covered with fallen leaves. Mr. Wang is a respected teacher. Read the following sentences and pay special attention to the underlined part. Exploring the rules Verb-ed forms function as _____. attributives Exploring the rules 4. Seen from the top of the mountain, the river looks like a dragon. 5. Greatly interested, I began to read the book. 6. The professor entered the hall, followed by a group of students. 7. He will go there if asked. Verb-ed forms function as _____. adverbials Exploring the rules I’m writing to have my resume revised. I have never heard this song sung in English. All the afternoon he worked in the house with the door locked. Verb-ed forms function as _____. Object complements 1. The verb-ed form can be used like an adjective or an adverb, indicating a(n) _____ (active/passive) meaning. 2. The verb-ed form can appear before or after a noun or pronoun. It modifies(修饰) the noun or pronoun like a(n) _____ (relative clause/adverbial clause). 3. The verb-ed form can be used as a ... ...

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