
外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit2 Exploring English misadventure in english导学案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:75次 大小:32331Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Misadventure in English Reading 课型 新授课 时间2023.10.19 Learning goals Knowledge point: To grasp the general idea of each posts, especially the expression of slang in it. Ability points: To master and practice the reading skills, such as skimming, scanning and careful reading. To cultivate students ability of understanding the words and phrases according to the context. Emotion points: To comprehend the slang in English context. To improve students' interest in learning English. Teaching key and difficult points: Students can master the reading skills. Students can comprehend the slang in English context. Teaching methods: 6 leads Teaching steps 一、启(课前读书)(导与练,P41阅读单词,核心词汇) Step1.Lead in(3mins) Greeting. Watch a video and ask students to discuss the following question in pairs.(观看因文化差异而闹出的尴尬瞬间相关视频) Q 1:Why does this misunderstanding occur? (板书:Unit 2 Misadventures in English-Reading) 二、学 Step 2. Reading skills.(5mins)) Part 1. 阅读题型和解题技巧。 (Sharp tools makes good work. 工欲善其事必先利其器。) 一、阅读理解题型分析 主旨大意题:题中常用标志词如main idea, what’s the story mainly/proberbly about…主旨句一般出现在文章的首段和尾段,或者每段的第一句。 细节理解题:询问某一方面的具体内容(wh-特殊疑问句)。 推理判断题:需要根据文章主旨或上下文来归纳推理常见: What can we infer/learn about …from… 。 词义猜测:根据上下文判断某个词(划线)的词义。 二、阅读理解答题步骤及技巧 解答阅读理解最基本的原则———忠于原文,把握文章主旨大意,有理有据、不能主观臆断 解题步骤:在理解文章主旨大意的基础上一定、二找、三比较 一定:读题干,定关键词关键词: 如何确定关键词: a. wh- 家族 (what,which,who; when where why,how) b. 大写(人名、地名) ,数字、时间、地点、时代、特殊名词、形容词等 二找:利用关键词,结合命题顺序,在文中找到信息句:找到并划出关键词所在句子,及前后一两个内容相关的句子 三比较:将信息句与选项比较,选出正确答案:找出与信息句描述一致的选项(直接排除与文章描述明显不同或相反的选项)。 正确的答案的特征: 1.与主题吻合 2. 同义替换 3. 语气委婉,不绝对化 错误选项的特征: 无中生有、以偏概全、偷换概念、过度推理、常识干扰、绝对化 板书:答题步骤 用 Step 3. Learning and using.(15mins) Part2.实战训练 Task1.(Work together)(3mins) Read the passage again and Answer the question.(导与练P 42 精研细读) Q1: What is the passage mainly about ( )(主旨大意题) They have trouble in understanding English. The differences of English between what we learned in class and in life. They share their English experiences by posting on the forum. Their poor English lead to misunderstandings. (Teacher’s step: 一、定:确定关键词 找 三、比较) Task2. (Complete task 2 by yourself and discuss with your classmate)(8mins) Q1: What's wrong with Yancy's English teacher ( )(细节理解) She's ate a frog and got stuck. She had a sore throat and couldn't speak. She was too full after eating a frog. She was so disappointed at her students that she couldn't come to school. Q2. What made Sophie disappointed ( )(细节理解) Not ... ...

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