

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:14次 大小:111240Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (1) Comment by Microsoft 帐户: (1) 1-5 AGHBC 6-10 EJIKD 主题语境:人与社会 主题群:历史、社会与文化 语篇类型:记叙文 A. bred B. course C. disconnected D. distinct E. estimates F. exclusively G. generations H. initiatives I. primarily J region K. survived Nubians fight to save an ancient language and identity Jehad Ashraf is the first member of her family to grow up not understanding her mother tongue. "I lived in Aswan my whole life," said the 29 year old, who was born and (1) _____ in Nubia, southern Egypt, "but none of my family spoke Nubian to me at home." In just two (2) _____ the language, once widely spoken, has almost vanished. In her village, a date-farming community on the Nile, "the youngest who speak Nubian are 61 or 62. It is becoming extinct," said Ashraf. It is the same throughout Egypt and that's something she wants to change. Last year, she helped launch the online service Nobig Koro (Learn Nubian) to encourage young people to learn the language. It is one of a number of (3) _____ in recent years to reach young Nubians at home and abroad and keep the language and culture from dying out. Ashraf started taking Nubian classes in Cairo where she went to study legal translation. "Since I was young, I was attracted to the language," she said. She made two friends on the (4) _____, the 31-year-old Wessam Fathy and Mostafa Fares, also 31. Both were born to Nubian parents but were unable to speak the language. The three of them started a weekly study group to go over what they learned in class and practise singing the songs their teacher wrote out for them in Nubian and Arabic. "Nubian songs have everything you find in the language," said Ashraf, "so we would memorise them, practise singing them and discuss the words we didn't know." Posting their sessions online was a way to "share the things we learned, the things we love, with other young Nubians," said Ashraf. They soon realised there were many others who felt (5) _____ from their heritage. "The new generation are more educated," said Fares. "They can feel that they are losing their identity." There are no statistics on how many Nubians live in Egypt. (6) _____ range from 300,000 to 5 million, spread throughout the country. In the 1960s, much of Old Nubia was destroyed by the construction of the Aswan High Dam, which flooded the (7) _____ upstream from Aswan. Between 50,000 and 130,000 people were forced to move from ancient villages, mostly to Cairo, Alexandria or purpose-built accommodation in the desert — all areas where Arabic was (8) _____ spoken. Although the language has gone from everyday conversation, it has (9) _____ through Nubian music. Both classical and contemporary Nubian artists remain popular in southern Egypt, performing in a style (10) _____ from Arabic pop songs because of its traditional instruments and rhythms. (2) Comment by Microsoft 帐户: (2) 1-5 DIKJE 6-10 HGABF 主题语境:人与社会 主题群:历史、社会与文化 语篇类型:说明文 A. celebrates B. excessively C exclus ... ...

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