
人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet>Reading for Writing课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:13次 大小:3764661Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 The Internet Period 5 Reading for Writing Warming-up Have a brief review of the online activities mentioned in the Listening and Talking part. Then discuss the following questions: (1)Which activity do you prefer when you surf the Internet (2)Have you ever written a blog post If yes, what for Pre-writing (1) What’s the main idea of the blog post Write a title for it. (2) What guidelines does the author provide for staying safe online (3) Who are the online troublemakers the blog post mentions (4) Do you have any more tips for how to surf the Internet safely Share your ideas with a partner. Activity 1: Work on Activity 1. Read the blog post and answer the questions. Pre-writing (1) What’s the main idea of the blog post Write a title for it. The blog post is about how to stay safe online and avoid bad experiences on the Internet. Title: Online Safety. First, leave immediately if you find something that make you feel uncomfortable on the site. Second, protect your privacy. Third, be polite. (3) Who are the online troublemakers the blog post mentions Three kinds of people: an identity thief, a troll, and a cyberbully. (2) What guidelines does the author provide for staying safe online Pre-writing (4) Do you have any more tips for how to surf the Internet safely Share your ideas with a partner. Don’t give your real name or personal details such as your age, address, or your school. Use a virus program to protect your computer from viruses or attacks. Pre-writing Activity 2: 1 Tick what the writer tells the reader in Paragraph 1. Pre-writing 2 What words and phrases does the writer use to organise the information in the second paragraph 3 What new words are explained in the text, and how Troll and cyberbully. Use simple words and an explanation sentence to define “troll”. Define “cyberbully” by comparing it with “troll”. 4 How does the writer end the post By asking for comments. Pre-writing Pre-writing 5 Discussion: Did you have similar experiences How did you deal with these problems While-writing Activity 3: Step 1: Choose one of the topics and use the notes to draft your blog post. While-writing Step 2: Organise your draft. While-writing Activity 4: Exchange drafts with a partner. Use the checklist to help your partners revise his/her draft. Post-writing Introduction Hello everyone. I’m a senior high school student. Today I want to blog about something that I think is very important. Unfortunately, I know about this topic well because I made a silly mistake. That was to make my email password “password123”! Sample Version Post-writing Body About six months ago, someone hacked my email account. That means they found out my password, then tried to use my account to take money from me and sent viruses to all my contacts! Luckily my friend told me when she got a strange email from me, so I changed my password immediately. I read about how to make a good password. A good ... ...

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