
译林版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 1 Lights, Camera, Action! Integrated skills教案

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:20次 大小:38264Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Title: Unit 1 Lights, camera, action! Integrated skills (I) 上课时间:  月  日 星期  月节次_____ ※Reading before class※ Words and phrases on Page 103 in the wordlist. 【Clarifying objectives】 By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to understand the basic rules of writing a film review through listening; predict before listening by reading the given information; have a better understanding of films 【key points:】 Use listening strategies to get the right information. 【Difficult points:】 Complete the notes while listening. 【Class type】 Listening 【teaching method】Pair work, individual work 【Teaching aids:】the multimedia and Bb 【period 】 【Teaching procedure】 Have Ss read the words and phrases in the wordlist in this unit on Page103 after the computer. Then have them read by themselves. 2. T asks Ss to have a free talk about their feelings of their favourite films. T: Hello, boys and girls. When you have no idea whether a film is worth watching or not, what will you do T: We often search for a film review about the film on the Internet, to know more about the film and others’ comments on it. So do you know what a film review is Today we will first listen to a monologue about how to write a film review, and then read a film review of The King’s Speech. 【设计意图:用一个问题“当你想了解一部电影是否值得一看时,你会如何做?”让学生进行头脑风暴,从而引出本节课的主题———影评。】 Task One Prediction 1. T asks Ss to predict before listening to the monologue. T: Miss Li, who is the organizer of the school Film Festival, will introduce something about how to write a film review. Before we listen, please answer this question: what information could be included in a film review T: Go through part A1 and circle the key information. Then, try to finish the chart in your own words. 【设计意图:该部分通过鼓励学生猜测一篇影评中应该出现的内容,并尝试完成A1部分的思维导图,最大化地进行听前热身。】 Task Two Group work T guides Ss to further discuss the points in A1 & A2. Ask some Ss to present their answers in front of the class. Task Three Practice 1. T asks Ss to listen to Miss Li’s introduction and complete part A1 on page 8. T: Now, please listen to the introduction and finish part A1 on page 8. Are your predictions right 2. T asks Ss to read part A2, listen to the introduction again and fill in the blanks. 【设计意图:该部分可以根据学生学情,酌情给予多听几次的机会。第一遍让学生将自己听到的内容和之前预测的内容对比;第二遍让学生完成细节信息的填空;第三遍让学生再次检测自己所听到的内容。】 3. T asks Ss to retell the main points of the film review. ( Film review )T: Now I think you have had a clear understanding about the film review, is there any volunteer to introduce something about the film review in his/her own words ( Basic information about the film ) ( Your opinion of the film ) ( Whether you recommend the film or not ) ( Information about the film’s setting and storyline ) ( Give information about when and where the film i ... ...

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