ID: 19952784

北师大版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 9 Learning Learning About Language课件(共77张PPT+学案)

日期:2024-10-27 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:79次 大小:386965B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) UNIT 9 LEARNING Section Ⅱ Learning About Language 1.通过对教材的理解,了解重要词汇的基本用法。(语言能力) 2.通过导学案的套用,以练促学,巩固内化重要语言点,并学以致用。(学习能力) 3.通过对教材的理解,掌握接动词-ing形式或动词不定式作宾语的动词的用法。(语言能力) 1._____ vi.争论;争吵→_____ n.争论 argue argument 2._____ vt.认为;假定;假设→_____ n.假定 assume assumption 3._____ adj.灵活的;可变通的→_____ adv.灵活地 flexible flexibly 4._____ vt.促进;增进→_____ n.促进;增进 promote promotion 5._____ adj.不大可能的→_____ adj.可能的 unlikely likely 6._____ n.印象;感想→_____ vt.给……留下深刻的印象→_____ adj 令人赞叹的;令人敬佩的 impression impress impressive &1& 构词规律 名词后缀:-sion,-ence 否定前缀:un- impress v.→impression n.印象 exist v.→existence n.存在 likely adj.→unlikely adj.不大可能的 fair adj.→unfair adj.不公平的 happy adj.→unhappy adj.不开心的 1.brush up (on) _____ 温习;复习 2.reflect ____ 思考 on 3.argue _____ 争吵 with 4.end ____doing最后;最终 up ____ 弄懂某事物;计算出 out 6.___ short总而言之;简单地说 in 7.attempt to _____ 尝试 the heart of... _____ 在……的中心 based ____ ...以……为根据 on 1.If you find your inner voice difficult to control, you can argue with it as most active learners do.(as引导方式状语从句) 翻译 如果你发现自己内心的声音难以控制,你可以像大多数积极的学习者那样与之争辩。 仿写 I'll behave toward them _____. 我将以我想要别人对待我的方式去对待他们。 as I would like to be treated 2.If not, at least you have “listened to” another point of view.(if not省略结构) 翻译 如果不是这样的话,至少你有“听”另一种观点。 仿写 If you like it, just do it! _____, forget it! 如果喜欢,你就去做吧! 如果不喜欢,那就忘了吧! If not 3.It is true that we cannot help disliking some people—this is human nature, after all. (It is true that...) 翻译 确实,我们难免会讨厌某些人,毕竟这是人的本性。 仿写 Maybe _____ that we do not know what we have got until we lose it. 也许这是真的:直到我们失去自己所拥有的东西时,我们才会认识到它的珍贵。 it is true 核心单词 知识点1 approach n.方法;途径;接近;接洽 v.靠近;接近;接洽 (P50)What is your learning approach to it 你对它的学习方法是什么 知识拓展 at the approach of 在……快到的时候 an approach to doing sth 做某事的方法 be approaching 快到了 approach sb for/about sth 就某事与某人洽谈(商量、交涉) 经典佳句 Many birds fly south at the approach of winter. 冬季来临之时,许多鸟飞向南方。 He took a very scientific approach to management. 他采取了一种非常科学的管理方法。 名师点拨 表达“(做)某事的方法”有the approach to (doing) sth、the way to do/of (doing) sth、the means of (doing) sth、the method of (doing) sth。 融会应用 Ⅰ.单句填空 (1)At the meeting they discussed three different approaches ___ the study of mathematics. to (2)With Teachers' Day _____ (approach), our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day. approaching Ⅱ.一句多译 如果你用这种方法做,你会成 ... ...

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