ID: 21571093

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Sports culture Integrated skills课件(共31张,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:79次 大小:54036908B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Sports culture Integrated Skills /01 Lead-in What is your understanding of Sportsmanship What do you do when your competitor falls and is badly injured during a running race /02 Reading He was a football (soccer) player and manager who is regarded as one of the greatest English footballers. From 1957 to 1973 he made a total of 106 international appearances for England—a national record at the time. Sir Bobby Charlton An airplane crash that occurred on February 6, 1958, after a British European Airways plane slid off the runway during takeoff from Munich, West Germany. The plane had been chartered by the Manchester United football (soccer) club, and 8 players were killed along with 15 other people. Munich air disaster A Daniel is listening to an introduction to Sir Bobby Charlton. Listen and finish the exercises below. A1 Listen to the introduction and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle the incorrect information in the false statements and correct it in the blanks. 1. The air crash happened when Bobby was 22 years old. 2. Together with his best friend, Bobby helped rebuild the team over the next few years. 3. Instead of attending the celebrations after winning the European Cup, Bobby stayed alone to remember his former teammates. 4. It can be seen in Bobby's case that champions are not made in the gym or on the field but in the heart. 20 coach A2 Listen to the introduction again and complete the notes below. Sir Bobby Charlton Personal information Was born in England on 11 October (1)_____ Began playing football as a young child Career and achievements Returned to the game less than (2)_____ after an air crash Won the European Cup (3)_____ after the crash Made 758 appearances for Manchester United, scoring (4)_____ goals; scored 49 goals for England 1937 a month 249 ten years/a decade A2 Listen to the introduction again and complete the notes below. Sir Bobby Charlton Earned many honours including some of Europe's highest athletic, awards, as well as (4)_____ awards Is known as one of England's greatest football players and one of the leading players in the history of football Ability to control the midfield and to deliver striking blows and (6)_____ with either foot Qualities Determination, strong willpower, fitness and hard work lifetime achievement long-range shots B Daniel has found a website article about fair play. Read the article below and answer the following questions. Winning isn't everything We all know what it is like to want to win and most of us know what it is like to lose. More often than not, winning has the victor walking on air, lost in the glory of the moment, while the loser is left with a bitter taste and a feeling of failure. Almost nobody likes to come second, and sometimes it is difficult to keep everything in perspective. Modern society honours winners and successful sportspeople quickly become celebrities, adm ... ...

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