
山西省太原市晋源区多校2023-2024学年五年级下册期中测试英语试卷(图片版,含答案及扫码听力音频 无听力原文)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:78次 大小:3346487Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    版起所有 源印必究 2023-2024学年五年级 学号: M.听录音,选答案。08642⊙ 英语·沪教版·学情导航 [1【】【2】【3】[4】【5]【6【7】【8】【9] 1.Which ruom does Sally like A.The kitchen. B.The bedroom. C.The living room. [o1【】【21【3】【4】【s】【c】【7列【8J【9] )2.What's in Sally's bcdroom Name 缺考 【o】【1】【21[3】【41(51【6】【7】【8][9】 A.There's u big shelf. B.There's a benutiful picture.C.There'a a big desk Class 【】 [ol【11【2)【3]【4】【s】【6】【7】[s】I91 ( 3.Why does Sally's fsther like the study A.Because it's tidy. B.Because it's big and quiel C.Becausc there are many plants in the study 听力全能王 )4.Does Sally's mother Like the dining roum A.Yes,ahe does. B.No.she doesn't. C.Yes,he does. 5.What can Sally's family do together 1.听录音,选图片。086d20 A.They can read books together. B.They can have nice food together. C.They can enjoy the sunshine logether. M.听录音,完成信息表。086420 制 Welcome to Qingdao }2.A It's a wonderful place for a Location(地点):in the east of China Aclivities(活动):★② under the blue sky and the warm sun ★collcet shells on the③_ )3.A ★visit the Ocean Park and see many kinds of sea④ Fuud&Drinks:niee⑤) and Qingdao beer Come and visit Qingdao! Task I Task I TaskⅡ Task T Assessment 4.4 愛 笔试大通关 )5.A V,根据图片及上下文提示,选词填空。 1086420 -49- hers his yours mine theirs ‖,听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符。相符的月“T”表示,不相符的用“℉”表示。 1.This schoolbag is Ben's.It's 086420 2.The crayons are Linda's.They are_ ② ③ ④a 3.The cap is nol My cap is blue.IL's Ann S. (1题图) (2趣图} 3题图 4.The books are Kitty's and Joe's.Ther are 5.-Is this football Bob -No,it's Sam's. (4题图) 〔5题图)2023一2024学年五年级学情导航(期中) 沪教版·英语参考答案 听力全能王 1.(10) B CAAB 评说明:每小题2,共10。 Ⅱ.(10) TT FTF 评说明:每小题2,共10。 Ⅲ.(10) B CBA B 评说明:每小题2,共10。 V.(10) ①holiday ②swim③beaches④animals 5seafood 评说明:每空2,共10。 笔试大通关 V.(10) his hers mine theirs yours 评说明:每小题2女,共10。 M.(10) EDB A C 评说明:每空2,共10。 I.(10) CBAED 评说明:每空2,共10。 Ⅲ.(20) A.(10) AB C B C 评说明:每小题2,共10。 B.(10) FT FFT 评说明:每小题2,共10。 卓育云·五年级(下)·英语(期中)答案第1页(共2页) K.(10) One possible version: Dear Me, You will be a happy person in 30 years. You will be a pilot in the future. You will work in Shanghai. You will be tall and beautiful. You will have a big house with a garden and a swimming pool. You will also have a wonderful family. You will have a cool husband and three children.Your family will be warm. The future is close.I can't wait to get there! May 评说明:每句2,共10。单词拼写错误和大小写错误一处扣0.5,语法错误一处 扣1,重复出现的错误不累计扣。 总评: 85一100:★★★★★ 75一84:★★★★ 60一74:★★★ 59以下:★★ 2023一2024学年五年级学情导航(期中) 听力材料 I.听录音,选图片。读两遍。 1.The crayons on the floor are Kitty's.Put them on her desk. 2.Alice wants to be a doctor in the future.She can help people. 3.It's sunny ... ...

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