
译林版(2020) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Extended reading教学设计

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:27次 大小:22934Byte 来源:二一课件通
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学习主题:Unit 4 Extended reading Virtual reality 第8课时 学习目标:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. grasp the general information of the dialogue; 2. deeply understand some texts of the dialoged; 3. learn and use the core vocabulary; 4. analyse some complex sentences Language points Task 1: 1.... part of your brain believes it is—and acts accordingly. (lines 9) accordingly adv. 相应地,照着;因此,所以 a. It is a difficult job and they should be paid ___acoordingly_____(相应地). b. The cost of materials rose sharply last year. _____Acoordingly_____(因此), we were forced to increase our prices. 2. Imagine studying the solar system or the human body in a fully immersive environment. (lines 15-16) immersive adj. 拟真的;沉浸式的 ____immerse_____ v. 使沉浸(于),使深陷(于) ____immersed_____ adj. 浸入的,专注的 immerse oneself in (doing) sth. be immersed in (doing) sth. 1. Take notes and immerse ____yourself _____ in the words of great thinkers. 2. One drawback is that children become fixated and __immersed_____ (immerse) in their screen time and become reluctant to exercise, ___resulting_____ (result) in problems such as obesity. 3. You’d better trying living your customers’ lives and experiencing the ____immersive _____ (immerse) realities of their media mix. Can you think of more phrases about “沉浸于../致力于” be immersed in be indulged in be buried in be absorbed in be involved in be engaged in be committed to be devoted to Task 2 3.By delivering the content in a meaningful way, this new approach to learning manage to engage students’ interest and enhance learning efficiency. (lines 16-18) engage v. 允诺, 签约保证; 雇用, 聘请; 参加, 从事; 吸引,引起; 适应,与……有密切关系; 占用 engage的基本意思是“约定”,即凭借契约、誓言或诺言等约束人或事。用于约束别人,即表示“雇”“聘”; 用于约束自己,则表示“许诺”“保证”。这种允诺可信,有约束力,并将履行一段时间,如“订婚”等。引申可表示“占用,吸引,引起”或“使忙于,使从事”等。 Find out the meaning of the word “engage” 1). Jack and Anne are engaged (to each other). 订婚 2). I have engaged a room at this hotel. 预定 3). We engaged the services of a famous engineer. 雇佣 4). They never learned skills to engage the attention of the others.吸引 5) He is engaged in a game of tennis. 保证 6). He engaged himself to pay back the money. 参与,从事 Task 3 4. Treatments of anxiety and drug addiction are other valuable and cost-effective applications of VR. (lines 28-29) addiction n. 沉溺,上瘾 be addicted to (doing) sth.对 ……上瘾 cost-effective adj. 有成本效益的,划算的 5. The entertainment industry is one of the most enthusiastic advocates of VR. (lines 33-34) advocate v. 提倡,拥护,支持,主张,鼓吹,为…辩护 n. 提倡者,拥护者;辩护律师,辩护人 1. He is a strong advocate of nuclear power. Translation:_____他是核能的强有力拥护者_____ 2. Many experts advocate __rewarding_____ (reward) your child for good behavior. Task 4 6. It really boils down to three things—time, cost and technical lim ... ...

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