ID: 19993987

北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 9 Learning Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory 课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-10-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:48次 大小:47606445B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 9 Learning Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory 延迟符号 延迟符号 延迟符号 Activate and Share Look at the pictures for 5 seconds , then match the same pictures together 1 延迟符号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 延迟符号 Which of the following things do you find easy to remember Why names and faces facts and arrangements stories things that happened long ago things that happened recently numbers: telephone numbers, passwords... Activate and Share 延迟符号 Supposing if you are going to meet a memory expert, what questions will you ask him / her Activate and Share Example: Is there any special food that helps memory How can I remember the English words/grammar effectively ... 延迟符号 Read and Explore Read the text quickly. What questions are answered in the text Does the text answer any of your questions Share with us! 1. Why can I remember events in my childhood but not what happened last week 2. Do some people really have a photographic memory 3. Why do I forget the new words that I learnt yesterday 4. I’m 16, but I sometimes forget things. Is my memory getting worse 延迟符号 Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Suggestion A Suggestion B Suggestion C Suggestion D Connect it to our emotions Spaced review At a good age Focus and be curious Match the expert’s 4 suggestions with the four questions. Read and Explore 延迟符号 Memory expert Jemima Gryaznov answers some of the most common questions about memory. 1. Why can I remember events in my childhood but not what happened last week We remember things that have strong connections in our mind, especially emotional connections. adj. 共同的,常见的,普通的 n. 关系,联系;连接 记忆专家Jemima Gryaznov回答了一些关于记忆的常见问题。为什么我能记得儿时的事,却记不住上周发生的事 我们记住的东西在我们的头脑中有很强的联系,尤其是情感联系。 adv. 尤其,特别;专门,特地 延迟符号 Childhood memories are often very emotional. This is because when we experience things for the first time, we often have strong feelings of fear or excitement. Also, interesting or funny stories from our childhood are often told again and again. As a result, we remember them much better, as retelling events helps fix experiences in our memories. n. 激动,兴奋 第一次 一次又一次 结果 fix sth in one’s memories:牢记某事 A. What can we learn from all this When remembering something new, try to connect it to our emotions. It is important to connect it with what we already know. Also, we can try to retell what we have learnt to a few others. connect…to/with/and:把…连接起来 v. (以不同的方式)复述,重新讲述 延迟符号 童年的记忆往往是非常情绪化的。这是因为当我们第一次体验事物时,我们通常会有强烈的恐惧或兴奋感。此外,我们童年的有趣或滑稽的故事经常被一遍又一遍地讲述。因此,我们能更好地记住它们,因为复述事件有助于在我们的记忆中固定经历。 A.我们能从这一切中学到什么 记住新事物时,试着把它和我们的情感联系起来。把它和我们已知的联系起来是很重要的。此外,我们可以试着把我们学到的东西复述给其他人 ... ...

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