

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:14次 大小:1868899Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024 5.-I'm very about the coming exam,mom. -Don't worry.Just try your best. A.normal B.nervous C.noisy D.natural )6. you do,I support(支持)you. A.What B.How C.However D.Whatever 题号 总分 ()7.Don't your kids too hard.They should relax and think for themselves. A.put B.plan C.push D.allow 得分 ()8.WeChat gets popular,and more and more people like to use it to each other. A.depend on B.communicate with C.believe in D.get on with 时问:90分钟 满分:100分 ()9.Please teach me the guitar. A.how to play B.how can I play C.what I can play D.what to use ()10.These days children have pressurc about school.The children are really_ tired. A.too many;many too B.too much;much too C.much too;too much D.too many;much too 得分评卷人 ()1i.These students _leave the classroom their teacher tells them to. 1,词汇(共20分,每小题1分) A.will;until B./until C.so;that D.won't;until ()12.This math problem is too difficult.Can you help me (A)根据汉语意思写出单词 A.work it out B.work out it C.work for it D.work it on 1.My parents don't (允许)me to go out at night.. ()13.Could you _me how to it in English? 2.Can you (解释)this sentence to me A.say:speak B.say:tell C。tel;ay D.speak;say 教 3.What's your (看法)about it Do you agree with me ()14.Helen's parents allow her a movie once a month. 4.There are all kinds of (活动)in our sehool, A.to watch B.watch C.watching D.watched 5.They got (when they saw their favorite team win the match. (15.He thinks his sister can do very well in this math exam, 7 (B)用所给词的适当形式填空 A.don't he B.doesn't she C.doesn't he D.can't she 1.Jill is one of the member)of the school volleyball. ()16.He decides to go traveling around China 2.It's difficult for a small store compete)with a supermarket. working every day.人 A.instead B.but C.instead of D.however 3.After a short break,Alan (continue)climbing the mountain (17.-Look! are cleaning the city park 4.Too much press)made him sleep less. -Let's them together. 5.1t'8 (usually)to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming. A.The Brown;join in B.The Brown;join C.Brown:take part in D.A Brown;join 6.Catherine kept on (listen)to the sentence until she could say it without looking at it. )18.-Would you mind turning down the noisy music 7.Would you mind (offer)the seat to the old woman 8.There is something wrong with Steve's ears.He can't hear me I'll do it right now. (clear). A.Of course B.Of course not C.That sounds good D.Sorry,I can't 9.She doesn't know how improve)the relationship with others. )l9.一Why don't you join us for breakfast 10.I think good communicate)with people can be important. (C)根据句意用所给词组的适当形式填空 A.How to do B.What to do C.Good idea D.Good luek look through,get on with,cut out,compare...with,be afraid of 20.-Thank you for your advice. 1.He is a shy boy and he speaking in front of people. 2. Grace was very sad because she found her best friend her things yesterday. A.Glad to hear that B.Not at all C.Sounds great D.No problem 3.How are you your neighb ... ...

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