ID: 20000460

Unit 3 ls this your pencil单元测试(含听力原文,无答案及音频)

日期:2024-10-21 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:81次 大小:59809B 来源:二一课件通
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译林版小学三年级(下)英语单元检测(三)(2024.03) 学校 班级 姓名 等第 听 力 部分 一、听录音,给下列图排序,听两遍。 二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,听两遍。 ( ) 1. A. pencil B. pen C. pencil case ( ) 2. A. your B. my C. that ( ) 3. A. it B. it's C. isn't ( )4. A. that B. what C. where ( ) 5. A. crayon B. rubber C. ruler ( ) 6. A. shout B. run C. talk ( ) 7. A. milk B. cake C. sweet ( ) 8. A. pie B. up C. cap ( ) 9. A. eat B. drink C. sleep ( ) 10. A. door B. ball C. doll 三、听录音,选出正确的应答,听两遍。 ( )1. A. It's over there. B. It's a schoolbag. ( )2. A. Yes, please. B. Thank you. ( )3. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, it is. ( )4. A It's blue. B. It's a jacket. ( )5. A Thank you. B. No. it isn't. 四、听录音补全句子,每空一词,听两遍。 1. It's my . 2. isn't my rubber. 3. Is this your 4. Hi, Yang Ling. Would you like a glass of 5. That's your . 笔试部分 一、选出不同类的单词。 ( )1. A. pie B. stand C. sit ( )2.A.come B.listen ( )3. A. eat B. drink C. sweet ( )4. A. sleep B. in C. talk ( )5. A. robot B. talk C. ruler ( )6. A. here B. shout C. open ( )7. A. English B. your C. my ( )8. A. milk B. egg C. pie ( )9. A. pencil case B. window C. door ( )10. A. not B. no C. yes 二、单项选择。 ( )1. that your crayon Yes, . A. Is, it is. B. Is, isn't. C. Are, they are. ( )2. This rubber is for you. . A. Yes. B. OK. C. Thank you. ( )3. Is that parrot No, isn't A. you, it B. your, he C. your, it ( )4. is this A. What B. What's C. what ( )5. Where's my schoolbag . A. That's my schoolbag. B. It's my schoolbag.. C. It's over there. ( )6.—Look at the blackboard. 。 A. I'm sorry. B. Yes, Mr Green. C. It's nice. ( )7. —What's this ——— . A. It's a parrot. B. It's parrot. C. No, it's a parrot. ( )8.--Don't listen Sam, Bobby. --OK. A./ B. for C. to ( )9. Is this English book A. I B. you C. your ( )10. —Is that a ruler —Yes, is. A. that B. it's C. it 三、找出相应的应答句,并填入题前括号内. A B ( )1. Is that your crayon A. It's over there. ( )2. May I come in B. No, thank you. ( )3. This is for you. C. I'm sorry. ( )4. Would you like a cake D. No, it isn't. ( )5. Don't run in the library. E. It's nice. ( )6. Where's my book F. Come in, please. ( )7. Look at the blackboard. G. Thank you. ( )8. Look at my new cap. H. It's an English book. ( )9. Hello, I'm Liu Tao. I. OK. ( )10. What's this J. Hi, Liu Tao. 四、根据上下文提示完成对话(填序号)。 [A. sorry B. talk C. eat D. shout E. No, thank you.] A: Hello, Liu Tao! B: Shh! Don't , Mike. A: Would you like a hot dog B: . Don't here. A:OK. Look at my new cap. Is it nice B: Yes. But don't . A:I'm . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五、阅读短文,并判断句子是( )否(×)正确。 A: Sorry, I'm late(迟到) , Mr. Zhang. B: That's OK(没关系). Come in, Tim. Close the door, please. A: OK, Mr. Zhang. B: Now, look at this book. Tim, is this your book A: No, it isn't. B: What colour is your book A: It's blue. B:I see. Don't draw(画) a dog in your book , Tim. A: Yes, Mr. Zhang. ( )1. Mr. Zhang is a teacher(老师). ( )2. Tom is late. ( )3. Tim closes the door ( ... ...

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