

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:37次 大小:173784Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2024年中考英语二轮复习专题-完形填空(福建专用) 2024年福建省福州市中考一模 鼓励学生学习简单的手语 2024年福建省南平市中考一模 保护地球,他先从清理河流沿岸开始,并将此发展成为一项人们可以广泛参与的活动。 2024年福建省泉州市中考一模 电影上学会急救措施,救活了老师 2024年福建省三明市中考一模 鼓励别人的话确实能帮助很多人。 2024年福建省漳州市中考一模 可回收的友谊长凳,这些长椅可以帮助别人找到朋友 2024年福建省龙岩市长汀县中考一模 不同的人有不同的爱好,并着重介绍了Sand的爱好是收集石头 2024年福建省莆田市仙游县中考一模 我们不应该以恶报善 2024年福建省厦门市湖滨中学中考一模 一种新时尚———GIY 2024年福建省龙岩市中考模拟英语试卷 一位重庆的公交车司机程林与留守男孩的温暖故事 2024年福建省福州市中考一模 Leisa Duckwall works at an elementary school in Virginia. She has worked in the cafeteria for over four years, serving ____36____ breakfast and lunch. Duckwall is ____37____. She didn’t see a student say anything to her until this year. Now, the whole school is learning sign language. Sign language is a way of communicating with one’s hands. Different signs can stand for letters, words or ideas. Now, students sign “hello” and “good morning” to her. They also sign “thank you”. Duckwall said this makes her ____38____. It first started in Kari Maskelony’s fourth-grade classroom. Maskelony grew up with deaf family members. Many of her friends are deaf. She ____39____ sign language. Maskelony asked her students if they wanted to learn ____40____ to sign. That way, they could ____41____ Duckwall. They said yes. The class started with the sign language for main dishes, such as chicken and fish, as well as the ____42____ of common side dishes (配菜). So, a student would sign the letter “C” if they wanted a side of carrots. What started in one fourth grade classroom ended up spreading ____43____ the school, as the school headmaster soon took notice. “We now have the whole school learning one sign a week,” Kari said ____44____. The students are interested in learning sign language. It is hard work ____45____ they say it is worth it. It helps Duckwall feel included. 36.A. cooks B. students C. tourists 37.A. blind B. deaf C. shy 38.A. polite B. bored C. happy 39.A. knows B. likes C. creates 40.A. how B. what C. why 41.A. call up B. speak to C. learn from 42.A. goods B. letters C. vegetables 43.A. throughout B. outside C. from 44.A. silently B. hopefully C. excitedly 45.A. So B. And C. But 【答案】36. B 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. A 41. B 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. C 【解析】本文主要介绍了Kari Maskelony老师发现Duckwall无法用语言交流后鼓励学生学习简单的手语。 36.句意:她在自助餐厅工作了四年多,为学生提供早餐和午餐。 cooks厨师;students学生;tourists游客。根据“Leisa Duckwall works at an elementary school”可知她在学校餐厅工作,所以是给学生提供早餐和午餐。故选B。 37.句意:Duckwall是聋的。 blind瞎的;deaf聋的;shy害羞的。根据“She didn’t see a student say anything to her until this year”以及下文内容可知她是聋的,所以学生学习手语和她交流。故选B。 38.句意:Duckwall说这让她很开心。 ... ...

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