
山西省晋中市平遥县2023-2024学年四年级下学期期中英语试卷(含答案 无听力原文及音频)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:61次 大小:450666Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年山西省晋中市平遥县四年级(下)期中英语试卷 一、听力。(50分) 1.听录音,在图片下面打√。(10分) 2.听对话,选择答语。(10分) (1)Is there a big computer room in Lili's school?     A.Yes,there is. B.No,it's small. C.No,there is a playground. (2)How old is Zhanglin?     A.10 years old. B.11 years old. C.12 years old. (3)What time is it now?     A.10:00 B.9:00 C.8:00 (4)What subject does Taotao like?     A.PE. B.Music and Maths. C.Art and Music. (5)What's Sha Sha's favourite animal?     A.fox. B.A duck. C.A dog. 3.听录音,给下面图片排序。(10分) 4.听录音,连线,涂颜色。(10分) 5.听录音,连线。(10分) 二、读句子,选择能够替换划线部分的选项。(10分) 6.﹣What day is it? ﹣It's Monday.(  ) A.Tuesday B.February C.hot 7.Look at the clock.It's twelve o'clock now.(  ) A.ten B.forty C.sixty 8.English is my favourite subject.(  ) A.Grapes B.China C.Chinese 9.My favourite animal is a duck.It can walk.(  ) A.sunny B.red C.swim 10.﹣What's your favourite fruit? ﹣Eh,I like bananas best.(  ) A.cakes B.pears C.potatoes 三、情景交际。(10分) 11.﹣I like my school uniform.What about you,Tian Tian? ﹣Sorry.I don't like it.I think .(  ) A.it's great B.it's nice C.it's boring 12.﹣Hello.This is Li Hua.She is new to our class. ﹣___.(  ) A.I'm ten years old B.Welcome to our class C.It's a pig 13.﹣Look,here are two clocks.What's the time on the big clock? ﹣It's o'clock.(  ) A.five B.nine C.twelve 14.— —Table tennis.I play table tennis every day.(  ) A.Do you like sport? B.What's your favourite sport? C.Can you play table tennis? 15.﹣ ﹣No,it has no legs and it can swim.(  ) A.Can it swim? B.Has it got no legs? C.Has it got two legs? 四、对话排序。(10分) 16.   No,it lives on the farm. (1)Hi,I have got a favourite animal.Please guess!    Haha.It's a cow.    Does it live in water?    On the farm?Has it got four legs?    Yes,four legs.And it can give us milk. 五、阅读理解。(10分) 17.Hi,I'm Wu Jin.I'm 11 years old.I get up at six every day.I like music.This is my best friend,Li Gang.He is 10 years old.He is from Yuci.He gets up at half past six.He likes apples and Chinese leaves best.And he likes animals,too.Can you guess his favourite animal?Yes,his favourite animal lives in water.It can swim.But it has no legs.It can't walk.Do you know what it is now? (1)Wu Jin gets up at___ and Li Gang gets up at ___ .     A.6:30,6:00 B.6:00,6:30 C.6:00,7:30 (2)Who is older(年龄大),Wu Jin or Li Gang?     A.Wu Jin B.Li Gang. C.They are the same age.(两个年龄一样大) (3)Wu Jin likes    . A.animals B.sport C.music (4)What's Li Gang's favourite fruit?     A.Apples and Chinese leaves. B.Chinese leaves. C.Apples. (5)What's Li Gang's favourite animal?     A.A fish. B.A frog. C.A sheep. 五、小练笔。 18.孩子们,学校要在"国际生物多样性日"(5月22日)来临之际,组织开展一次全校性的爱护 ... ...

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