
新目标人教版名校调研系列卷 九年级第二次模拟测试(含听力音频+听力书面材料+答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:72次 大小:14097325Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 名校调研系列卷 九年级第二次模拟测试 英语(人教版) 听力(共30分) I. 情景反应 根据所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。 (7.5分) ( ) 1. A. No, thanks . B. No, I wouldn’t C. Sorry , I don’t know . ( ) 2. A. Yes, I do . B. Yes, I have . C. Yes, I did . ( ) 3. A. It’s Monday . B. It’s June 15 . C. It’s 3:00 ( ) 4. A. All right . B. Thank you . C. nO. ( ) 5. A. I’m fine , thank . B. She’s fine , thanks . He’s fine , thanks . II. 对话回答 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。 (7.5分) ( ) 6. A. No . B. I don’t know . C. Yes. ( ) 7. A. The USA B. Australia . C. Belgium ( ) 8.A . The music . B. The actor . C. The story . ( ) 9. A. Two . B. Three . C. Four ( ) 10.A. Because his neighbors make too much noise . Because he doesn’t like his old house. Because he wants to live in a bigger house . 短文理解 看图听描述,选择与所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关)(7.5分) 11._____ 12. _____ 13. _____ 14. _____ 1 5. _____ III 短文理解 根据你所听到的内容,将所给信息进行匹配。 (7.5分) ( ) 16. Where Daniel went A. walk around the city ( ) 17. How long Daniel stayed there B. French ( ) 18. On Daniel’s first day C. Paris ( ) 19. What Daniel can’t speak D. an old man ( ) 20. Who helped Daniel E. for a week . 语言知识运用(共35分) VII. 单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10分) ( ) 21. Our teacher warned us _____ in the hallways . not to run B. to run C. running ( ) 22. Cotton _____ in the southeast of China . is grown B. was grown C. grow ( ) 23. He promised not to play computer games _____ . already B. again C. too ( ) 24. Mike always plays a trick _____ others , we don’t like him at all . at B. for C. on ( ) 25. Alice had _____ for breakfast this morning . She had a stomachache . nothing B. anything C. somebody ( ) 26. -Jean’s sweater looks very nice , do you know _____ -On Taobao . where she bought it B. where did she buy it C when she bought it ( ) 27. -When will the popular film star arrive here -I don’t know when he _____ . When he _____here , I’ll call you in a minute. will come , will arrive B. comes ; arrives C will come , arrives ( ) 28. -Tom can’t go mountain climbing with us tomorrow . -_____ . I have to do housework at home . So can I B. Neither can I C. Neither I can ( ) 29. Mike found _____ difficult for him to communicate with his parents . it B. that C. one ( ) 30. -Have you watched the film -Yes. _____ exciting the film is ! What an B. What a C. How VII. 完成对话 从方框内选择正确选项, 并把字母序号写在对话后面的横线上。其中有一项多余的。 (5分) I like them .I can’t stand them .I don’t mind them .I love game games but I like talk shows best. But I can’t stand soap operas . Molly :Hi, Robert . What’s your favorite TV program Robert : ___31__ like Super Brain . Molly : Really I don’t mind game shows , ___32__ They are very interesting . I just love watching them . Robert : ___33__I think they are boring . Molly :So , what do you think of sitcoms Robert : ... ...

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