

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:95次 大小:1632241Byte 来源:二一课件通
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阅读理解E篇 19篇 (2024·重庆大渡口·一模) It’s known that green tea is a symbol of Chinese culture. Also, it helps to improve health in so many ways that some people think of it as a kind of medicine. Perhaps that is why the Chinese have been using it for more than 4, 000 years to treat all kinds of medical problems. Today, scientists know that there are catechin, caffeine, vitamin C and theanine in green tea that are good for health. Catechin is helpful for lowering (降低) cancer (癌症) risk. It protects the body from cancer-causing substances (物质) and slows the growth of cancer. Besides fighting cancer, catechin prevents serious health problems like heart disease. Caffeine causes the heart to beat faster. That’s why it was once thought that caffeine was not very healthy, but studies suggest that there are also good reasons for drinking caffeine. Specifically, caffeine has to do with a lower risk for Parkinson’s disease and liver (肝脏) disease. Yet, caffeine also has some weaknesses. It can influence sleep and make people nervous, so experts advise teenagers not to have more than 100 ml of caffeine a day. This is about the caffeine of a small cup of coffee. Vitamin C is something that the human body cannot make enough by itself. So we have to get it through food and drink. The vitamin may play a role in improving physical conditions to colds and the flu. Also, it helps people to get well more quickly from those illnesses. Theanine is another healthy substance found in tea. It has been shown to lower stress, both mental and physical, and increase mind abilities. It is also used for preventing some brain diseases. As you can see, green tea has many good values. Drinking it may help you stay healthy. Of course, as with any healthy substance, it is important to check if there are any bad influence as well. 1.Why have the Chinese been using tea for over 4, 000 years according to the passage A.Because it’s delicious for us to drink. B.Because it helps to deal with illnesses. C.Because it’s a symbol of Chinese culture. D.Because it’s made into different drinks. 2.Why is caffeine in green tea good for our health A.It lowers cancer risk. B.It makes the heart to beat faster. C.It lowers liver disease risk. D.It makes people less stressed. 3.What does the writer mainly want to tell us A.Tea can take the place of medicine. B.We should drink as much tea as possible. C.Tea has some bad influence on our health. D.Drinking tea may help people to stay in health. 4.Which of the following best shows the structure of the text A. B. C. D. (2024·重庆大渡口·二模) ①Japan’s population is rapidly aging, with 28 percent of its people aged 65 or older. This means there aren’t enough young people doing jobs that need physical strength (力量) like building things and farming. ②To encourage older people to work on, technology companies in Japan have developed special suits called exoskeleton (外骨骼). These suits can make it easier to li ... ...

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