
人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Using Language2 读写课学案(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:40次 大小:36926Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 4 JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Using Language 2 读写课导学案 学前预学区 一、 单词拼写填空 1.he Smiths have lived in London for ten years ,so they speak with a London (口音) . 2. Usually the bride’s father proposes a (干杯) to the health of the bride and bridegroom. 3.When whales are travelling close to the shore ,avoid crowding them near the (海岸) . 4. The early settlers (归因于) their survival to hard work and determination to succeed. 5. At the request of some English learners ,he has published a lot of books ,one of which is about English (习语). 6 .She felt there was something wrong ,but couldn’t give (清楚易懂的) reasons. 7 .If you want to sell your house ,why not put an (广告) in the newspaper 8. He (对比) the two different economic systems in his speech. 9. Standing in the distance, they were (吃惊的) to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake. 10. Japan might be able to unload more of its (钢) abroad. 二、单句语法填空 1.He has a great number of English (idiom)at his command. 2.He sat by the fire and (toast) a piece of bread. 3.I find his attitude absolutely (astonish). 4.I am so excited that I can’t wait (enroll) here! 5.I have obtained the services of a top (photograph) to take our pictures. 6.I didn’t recognize him at first sight.I have only (mist) memories of my early childhood. 7.The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, (add) that he had enjoyed his stay here. 8.When he woke up the next morning ,he found his uncle (lie) on the ground ,dead. 9. They discovered some paintings (date) back to the 17th century. 10.For the past two years ,Gordon’s students (study) ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity. 三、用方框内所给短语的正确形式填空 in contrast to ,chat with ,with an accent ,with terror, dress up as ,take care ,make use of,owe...to 1. Looking back ,Diana her achievements the goal she set ,the education she received from the college , and above all ,the efforts she made. 2. When we John over the tea ,he said he cheered up at the thought of going home. 3. her elder brother ,she was always considerate in her treatment of others. 4. It sounds funny to hear a foreigner speak the language . 5. We should the class time to help students grasp the text’s focus on content. 6. Children often Superman to draw adults’ attention. 7. We should also not to cough or sneeze loudly in public if possible. 8. I shook whenever I was about to fly in an aeroplane. 四、完成句子 1.Both he and I are (satisfy) with the result. 2.The news was (excite) and they were all (excite) at it. 3.We all felt (encourage) at the (encourage) news. 4.When (face) with difficulties ,we must try to overcome them. 5.If (give) better attention ,the serious accident could have been avoided. 6.The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, (allow) more patients to be treated. 7. (found) in the early 20th century ,the school keeps on inspiring children's ... ...

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