

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:75次 大小:2259795Byte 来源:二一课件通
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答 案 I听力测试 1-6:ABCBCB 7-12:ACBABB 13-16: CABB 17-20: ABCA II单项选择 21-25: CBACC 26-30: BBABC III完形填空 31-35:ACBCD 36-40: ABABD IV阅读理解 41-43:BAB 44-47: DDBC 48-51: CADB 52-55: BCCD 56-59: DDBA V口语应用 60-64: ECFGB VI任务型阅读 Yes./Yes,he is. In 2012. Finding right people in foreign countries and different languages/the problem of communication. Yes,because a person can focus mainly on what he wants to do without going to school./No,because it’s important to learn knowledge and improve ability at school,which is helpful to make our dreams come true in the future.(言之有理即可) VII完成句子 didn’t use What were lent to compare with make mistakes\ breathing to hand waste quickly truth VIII短文填空 different 80. However/Instead 81. from 82.Because 83.money 84.more 85.building 86.them IX书面表达 略

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