
Unit 1 When was it invented 单元作业练习(1)(含答案)鲁教版(五四学制)九年级英语全册

日期:2024-09-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:34次 大小:21167Byte 来源:二一课件通
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鲁教版 九年级 U1 单元作业练习1 一、根据句意及所给提示填空 1. Humor is a type of language art, which brings a lot of _____ /'ple (r)/ and laughter to our daily life. 2. We set up a _____ (网站) about animals last month. Its name is www. . 3. We were asked to _____ (列清单) the sports we loved most and hated most. 4. Paper cuttings have developed into different _____ /sta lz/ in different places of China. 5. Many scientists are _____ (先驱者) in trying new things. We should learn from them. 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. I want to know if yellow was once the color of the _____ (ruler) in ancient times in China. 2. It _____ (believe) that we shall make full use of the sun’s energy some day. 3. We should drink lots of _____ (boil) water when we have a fever. 4. Do you know yogurt was an _____ (accident) invention When people packed milk with bags, the germs(细菌) reacted with the milk, and yogurt came into being. 5. Today’s lecture is about the _____ (popular) of Putonghua. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 我们到达时门是锁着的,所以我们按了门铃。 The door _____ _____ when we arrived, so we _____ _____ _____. 2. 突然发生了地震,很多房屋倒塌了。 The _____ happened _____ _____ _____ _____ and many houses fell down. 3. 他们之中谁更有音乐天赋还未有定论。 Which of them has _____ _____ _____ is still undecided. 4. 她坐在椅子上,低声介绍自己,并问我过得怎么样。 She sat on a chair, and _____ _____ _____ _____ she introduced herself and asked how I was doing. 5. 我们不会相信,直到我们亲眼看到。 We _____ believe it _____ we see it with our own eyes. 四、从方框中选择合适的短语, 并用其适当形式填空 have a point, school project, be used for, daily life, at that time 1. Road safety is a subject having much to do with our _____. 2. We know trees can _____ making paper. So we must save paper. 3. Elizabeth is collecting news reports for a _____ . 4. Tina wore a fancy dress to attend a party, but it turned out to be an outdoor party. She felt a bit embarrassed _____ . 5. —He always appears to _____ . —That’s because he’s really knowledgeable and experienced. 五、语法填空 My favorite inventor is Wang Xuan. He was one of the 1. _____ (famous) computer scientists and inventors. He invented the technology for printing Chinese characters. As a result, he is known 2. _____ “The Father of the Chinese Language Laser Typesetting(激光照排)”. Since there is a big 3. _____ (different) between Chinese and English writing systems, laser typesetting for the Chinese language was a serious problem all over the world. For this reason, Wang Xuan decided 4. _____ (try) to think of a way to solve this problem. In 1975, he began researching laser typesetting and electronic publishing(排版)systems for Chinese. Although he didn’t have success all 5. _____ time, he never gave up. He is believed to be the 6. _____ (two) most important developer in printing Chinese after Bi Sheng. Now, Wang Xuan’s amazing invention 7. _____ (use) all over the world, and it has been 8. _____ (help) ... ...

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