
Unit 2 Section A 2d-Grammmar Focus语法讲练课件(2024-2025学年人教八上英语Unit 2 How often do you exercise?)

日期:2024-09-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:61次 大小:20175138Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit2 How often do you exercise Section A 2d&Grammmar Focus 语言能力:通过例句,小组活动以及观察归纳等方式,进一步巩固掌握常见 课余活动的表达,频度副词以及how often问句和答句。 文化意识:能够了解国外中学生常见业余活动,提升丰富课余生活意识; 思维品质:通过观察归纳,总结正确的语言结构,并运用规范语言结构联 系自身实际与同伴进行交流,促进思维的精确度与深度。 学习能力:通过小组合作,自主探究等方式提高观察力和合作意识。 学习目标 learning objectives Presentation Enjoy a video and answer the questions. How often does the cat go fishing? How often does the bird go shopping? He always go fisjing. She never go shopping. watch TV go shopping do some reading go swimming go to the movies play basketball What ___ you usually do on weekends Revision do I usually watch TV\…. They often go to the movies. What___ they usually do on weekends They usually go shopping. do sometimes do housework often go shopping usually do some reading hardly ever go to the movies What ____ he\she usually do on weekends He\she usually surfs the Internet\…. do homework play football watch TV go fishing go shopping surf the Internet go skateboarding do some cleaning does Once a month Twice a week Three times a week Four times a week Once or twice a week Uncle Wang Bob Li lei Mr White every day Mark Ms Lin A: How often does he\she go shopping B: He goes shopping once a month. Practice What do you usually do on weekends I usually do my homework on weekends. do my homework does she does her She What do you usually do on weekends does he I usually watch TV on weekends. He usually watch TV on weekends. watches What do you usually do on weekends does she I usually go shopping on weekends. go shopping: 购物 = do some shopping = shop He usually go shopping on weekends. goes What are they doing What kind of dance is it Look and guess Let's use the Internet. Look at the picture and guess What kind of dance it is . Swing dance is popular in western countries among teenagers. Jack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week Claire: Hmm…next week is quite full for me, Jack. Jack: Really How come Claire: I have dance and piano lessons. Jack: What kind of dance are you learning Claire: Oh, swing dance. It's fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. Jack: How often do you have piano lessons Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. Jack: Well, how about Tuesday Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come Jack: Sure! Who are they What kind of dance is it swing dance Listen the conversation and match the activity with the right time. piano lesson dance lesson play tennis Wednesday and Friday Tuesday Monday Presentation Learning aims 1.Is Claire free next week Why 2. How often does Claire have dance lessons How about her piano lessons 3. What kind of dance is Claire learning 4. What does Jack invite Claire to do When can Claire join Jack for the activity Read 2d and answer the questions. No, she isn't. Bec ... ...

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