
人教版(2024)七年级上册 Units 1--2 单元综合复习题(无答案)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:86次 大小:17228Byte 来源:二一课件通
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七年级 2024版 Units 1--2 单元综合复习题 一、单项选择 1.—Where _____ Anna’s shoes —They are under the bed. A.is B.are C.do D.does 2.Here _____ two English dictionaries. Are they yours A.am B.is C.are 3.—Where are the oranges —_____ on the table. A.It’s B.They is C.They’re4.Tony and Linda are in the same class, so Tony is Linda’s _____. A.brother B.classmate C.father 5.Lisa was careless(粗心的) and she made many _____ in her homework. A.plans B.decisions C.grades D.mistakes 6.—Which _____ are you from —I am from Australia. A.town B.city C.country 7. The girl’s name is Kate Green. Kate is her _____ name and Green is her _____ name. A. last; first B. last; full C. first; full D. first; last 8. —What class are you in —I’m in _____. A. Grade Seven, Class Two B. grade seven, class two C. Class Two, Grade Seven D. class two, grade seven 9.This pair of shoes _____ just right for me. How much _____ they A.are; are B.is; are C.are; is D.is; is 10.These _____ my cousins. _____ are my friends, too. A.are; Them B.is; Them C.are; They D.is; They 二、根据音标及句意写出单词 1. The little /g rl/ is my sister,Grace. 2. Who can help / m/ learn English 3.—Peter, What is your l name —Brown. 4. Emma’s f name is Emma Miller. 5.—Which c are you from —I am from the US. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. Peter的全名叫 Peter Brown. Peter’s is Peter Brown. 2. Meimei 在七年级一班。 Meimei is in 1, 7. 对不起!我的错误。 I am sorry! My . 4.露西是我叔叔的女儿,她是我的堂姐。 Lucy is my daughter. She is my . 5.这是我的蓝色铅笔盒,这些是我的黑色钢笔。 is my blue pencil box and are my black pens. 四、阅读理解 阅读下面三篇材料, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。 A First name: Gina Last name: Smith Age (年龄): 15 Telephone number: 337-0126 First name: Jim Last name: Miller Age (年龄): 16 Telephone number: 997-5321 1.The boy’s family name is _____. A.Jim B.Miller C.Gina D.Smith 2.Gina is the girl’s _____ name. A.first B.last C.one D.family 3.What’s Jim Miller’s telephone number A.997-5231. B.337-2016 C.997-5321 D.337-0126 4.How old (多大) is Jim A.15. B.16. C.17. D.18. 5.How old is Gina A.13. B.14. C.15. D.16.

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