
What’s the best movie theater Section A 2a-2d 表格式教案

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:53次 大小:24559Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教 案 教学基本信息 学科 English 学段 初中 年级 八年级 单元 Unit 4 课题 What’s the best movie theater 总课时数 6 课时 Section A (2a-2d) 课型 听说课 授课时间 教学目标及教学重点、难点 教学目标: 在课程结束时,学生们将能够: 1. 学习使用最高级来讨论偏好。 2. 学习最高的用法。 3. 学习新单词。 教学重点: 1.主要词汇: ticket, worst, cheaply, song, choose, carefully, reporter, fresh, comfortably... so far, the most cheaply, choose songs the most carefully, has the best service, plays the most boring songs, around here... 2. 关键句子: a. Which is the best clothes store b. You can buy clothes the most cheaply there. c. The DJs choose songs the most carefully. d. You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats. 教学难点: 使用最高级来进行比较和谈论偏好。 教学过程(表格描述) 教学环节 主要教学活动 设置意图 Step 1 Review 1. 展示一些图片来回顾它的最高级 good and bad. 2.确保学生读到这些词。 3.导入2a。 Use the pictures to review the highest level of the adjectives learned in a relaxed atmosphere. Step 2 Listening 完成 2a,2b. 1.播放磁带,听记者采访一个男孩。然后绕出男孩的答案。 2.检查答案。 3.让学生读一下2b里的句子。 4.让Ss再次收听,然后在每个语句旁边写上正确的存储器或广播电台。 5.在课堂上检查答案。 6.再听一遍,完成这篇文章。 7.检查一下答案,然后让老师们阅读这篇文章. After playing the listening system again, complete the 2a. Finish 2b after the second plete the listening content by circling the answers and filling in the place. Adapt the listening materials into short articles, and let the students fill in the blanks to deepen their understanding of the listening materials. Step 3 Practice 完成 2c. 1.要求学生使用2a和2b中的信息进行角色扮演对话。A: Hello! I’m a reporter. Can I ask you some questions B: Sure. A: What’s the best / the worst clothing store in town B: I think Miller’s is the best… / ...is the worst. A: Why do you think so B: Well Miller’s has ……. 2. 请一些学生在课堂上角色表演。 After listening, let the students role-play practice expressing the advantages and reasons of these places in 2b. Practice consolidating the highest level. Step 4 Language points 1. 解释这些词worst, cheaply, choose. 2.让学生读一下这些句子。 This class focuses on the usage of worst, cheaply and choose. Step 5 Role -play 1.播放2d的磁带,让Ss收听和重复。 2.让Ss组队合作,以角色扮演对话。 3.参加一个比赛来练习对话。 4.根据对话内容填写空白。 5.在课堂上检查答案。 A 2-d dialogue is performed by different characters, from which students feel the context and the point of view of each character. T--S S1--S2 … Then complete the passage based on the content of the dialogue. Step 6 Practice 1.团队合作。让他们谈谈超市、餐馆……从服务的周围、质量和价格。 2.按以下句子进行练习: —Do you want to go to the supermarket — Sure. — I’ll go, too. — OK, great. ..... Work in groups, talk about places around you, such as supermarkets and restaurants, and compare their service, quality and prices. Practice the highest level of sentence patterns. Step 7 Language points 1.解释用法 ... ...

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