
外研版(2024) 七年级上册StarterWelcom to junior high 单元测试题(PDF版,无答案)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:54次 大小:267814Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024 版七上英语 Starter Welcom to junior high 满分 100,时间 60分钟 一.根据句意及所给提示补全单词(15分) 1.Chinese (人们) are very friendly to others. 2.There are ten (单元)in our books. 3.Can you (说)that again 4.—How do you s your English name, please —D-A-N-I-E-L, Daniel. 5.They (开始,着手)work at eight o'clock every day. 6.There is an (橡皮)and a ruler in the box. 7.Bob likes black (裤子). 8.Your clothes are everywhere. You should k your room clean and tidy. 9.—I can't find my socks. —They are u the bed. 10.I have a new p of sports shoes. 11.There are t months in a year. 12.There are many (种类) of animals on my uncle's farm. 13.When you are angry, you can take a deep breath and c to ten. 14.I don't like this pair of trousers.Can I have a look at (另一)pair 15.What /els/ can you see in the picture 二.用冠词(a、an、the)填空(5分) 1.I have bottle in my bag. bottle is blue. 2.Do you have eraser 3.I have orange cap. It's on bed. 4.—What colour are pencils —They're red. 5.Jim has cake, egg and apple in the morning. 三.单项选择(15分) 1.下列选项中含有相同的元音音素的一组字母是 。 A.BCJ B.RZD C.GTV D.KPQ 2.I always hello to her when I meet Helen in my school. A.speak B.say C.spell D.see 3.—What's your name — name is Mary. A.Your B.Her C.She D.My 4.— , Lily —I'm fine, thanks. A.How are you B.What is it 第1/5页 C.Where are they D.Who is she 5.It's 8:00. It's time school. A.to B.for C.with D.at 6—May I have your name, please — . A.Yes, please B.You're welcome C.Sorry, you have your own name D.I'm Amy White 7.I have eraser, and eraser is black. A.a; an B.an; a C.the; an D.an; the 8.I have a friend. My friend is China. A.in B.at C.on D.under 9.—I find my keys. —Have you checked in your jacket pockets A.mustn't B.shouldn't C.can't D.wouldn't 10.—I can't you in the photo. Where are you —Haha. I'm not in the photo. A.lose B.find C.have D.ask 11.He wants to keep so he keeps running after work every day. A.health B.healthy C.healthily D.unhealthy 12.There are hours in a day. A.twelve B.thirteen C.fourteen D.twenty-four 13.—What animals can you find on the farm —I can find some , many and cows. A.gooses; sheeps B.geese; sheeps C.goose; sheep D.geese; sheep 14.— do you want to ask for —Nothing else.Thank you. A.What other B.What else C.Why D.How 15.You can't see Lucy because she is a tree. A.under B.behind C.near D.in front of 四.完成句子,每空一词(15分) 1.They have a basketball.(变为一般疑问句) they a basketball 2弗兰克的尺子是什么颜色的 is Frank's ruler 3.I have a cap in my schoolbag.(就画线部分提 问) do you in your schoolbag 4.亚明的自行车是蓝色的。 Yaming's blue. 第2/5页 5.腾飞的裤子是棕色的。 Teng Fei's brown. 6.放学后,我们需要打扫教室。 After school, we need the classroom. 7.我找不到我的眼镜了。 I my glasses. 8.我的裤子在沙发上吗 my trousers the sofa 9.你需要使你的书桌保持整洁。 You need to your desk . 10.等一下。我在床底下看到你的袜子了。 a minute. I see your socks the bed. 11.They need four bottles of juice.(就画线部分提问) bot ... ...

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